I was reorganizing my desk when chairs started to pop up at my desk. Some of the students had moved closer to me, almost too close.

"Are you single?"

I peered over the desk, looking at the male that had asked.


He hummed in response. "What a shame." He mumbled under his breath.

The boy was slapped on the back of the head by his brother.

"Sorry for him, but we just wanted to introduce ourselves."

"Give me like one second."

I adjusted my writing utensils in the drawer before closing it.

"Okay, I'm done." I sat back in my chair, giving them all of my attention.

(There are 9 of them around her desk btw)

"I'm Marcus Walker."

"Kaiden De Luca."

"Dmitri Donatello."

"I'm Ace Thomas."

"Tobias Merlino."

"Darius Woods."

"Hakeem Louis."

"Jaehoon Lee.

"Minho Chu."

(First name, last name format for those 2 ⬆️)

"Nice to meet y'all." I told them while giving a small smile.

We talked for a little bit, they asked me a few questions and in turn told me a few things about themselves.

I was conversing with Marcus when I felt a breath of air touch the back of the back of my neck. I quickly popped whoever it was in the chest because I don't play that shit.

The rest of the boys laughed at Kaiden's shocked expression.

"Mr. Luca, please refrain from sniffing people. It's weird and invasive."

"Sorry, you just smelled familiar." He said rubbing his chest in 'fake pain'.

The bell rang and the boys immediately dispersed. A few of them glanced back at me a few times before finally exiting the room.

'Strange' I thought as I went to clean and tidy up the room.

It was just something about them that seemed off, I guess. They had this weird aura that somehow reminded me of something familiar. I shrugged it off and continued on with my day. That could be a thought for another day.

If only I knew that the incident that would happen the next day would lead to the start of a chain of events that would change her life forever.

Next Day

"Come see me after class." Cheyenne told the group of boys from yesterday.

Kaiden licked his lips and smirked at her. She paid him no mind as she moved to the front of the classroom.

Once the bell rang and all the other students left, Cheyenne closed the door before facing the posse.

"Okay, I'm gonna be real unprofessional with you and cut to the chase. That shit that y'all pulled yesterday won't and will not be happening again. I should've reported y'all, but I'm giving you your first and last warning." She spoke as her lips curled in the way a black woman would when scolding her kids.

(war flashbacks 😔✊🏽)

("Cause of that shit you pulled in the kitchen. I should've fucked you up but I let you walk away and I let you come get yourself together... if you ever pulled that shit on me again that will be your last motherfucking day standing." 😭😭🏃🏽‍♀️)

Marcus pulled his hoodie over his face to cover the rush of blood that flooded his cheeks.

'She's so sexy when she's angry. I want her to yell at me again.' He thought as he internally moaned.

Minho lazily looked down at her, sighing loudly with his hands in his grey sweatpants. On the outside, he appeared to be unphased, but internally he was getting aroused.

Her simple but authoritative words made him giddy at the thought of her putting him in his place. Her eyes dangerously glaring into his, pulling him deeper into her grasp.

Dmitri nudged him, motioning to the fact that he had light colored sweats. Minho lazily shrugged, not really caring if she saw it or not. She would own all of him sooner or later.

Since everyone else was lost in their lewd sexual fantasies, Darius and Jaehoon stepped up and spoke to the brown skinned beauty.

Darius nodded, pretending to feel sorry for their actions.

"I apologize on all of our behalves because that was inappropriate of us to do what we did." Jaehoon said with a 'remorseful' tone, the look on his face appearing ashamed.

Cheyenne internally rolled her eyes, humming at his 'apology'.

"Y'all are dismissed." She said with a dry tone, pivoting on her feet, heading back to collect her things.

Jaehoon spun around and snapped his fingers to gain the others attention. He tilted his head towards the door, telling them that it was time to leave.

The boys snapped away from their fantasies and left the room, giving one last look to their mate
before leaving the premises.


I actually felt motivated to write, which is why this chapter is over 1100 words😌, which is a lot longer than what I usually write.

I'll explain what went down with  Cheyenne and her mates in the next chapter from their perspective.

Don't forget to comment, vote, and tell me how you feel about this chapter/book. Anyways, I'll see y'all in the next chapter 😗✌🏾.

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