"Alright, then. Oh, and don't forget your cap." Toshinori quickly reminded him.

"I got it, don't worry." Izuku chuckled as he grabbed a cap from a coat hanger and wore it. "Got to practice hiding from the public, right?"

Toshinori chuckled. "Exactly. Alright, well, good luck, Izuku. I'll talk to you later, OK?"

"OK. Talk to you soon, Toshinori." With that, he ended the conversation, took one big deep breath before opening the door and leaving his apartment.

The train ride took about 45 minutes, so it gave Izuku some time to catch a glimpse of the beginning of the press conference through his phone. Even with the 15 minutes he decided to catch, he could tell the journalists were going to be relentless with their questions. After Seihashi's statement, where he respectfully took the blame, the first question immediately got to the bottom, negating the initial statement.

Izuku shouldn't be surprised by that, considering the outcome of the festival, and fully understanding so, but to throw blame at the businessman, knowing how much he did to ensure a safe and fun time for everyone was hard to watch. And based on his friend group chat ringing through his phone, he wasn't the only one. But he didn't focus on the chat and soon he put the conference in the back of his mind.

"Worry about it tomorrow." He thought to himself as he reached his train stop, walking for about 5 minutes for the slowly increasing crowd before finally reaching his destination – Hosu General Hospital.

Izuku took a deep breath as he walked inside and towards the main reception, catching the smell of the sterile air he was all too familiar with. A young female receptionist was sitting at the desk, writing something down when she saw him approaching and looked up from her work.

"Oh, good afternoon. How can I help you?" She greeted.

"Hi. I'd like to visit Ochako Uraraka, please?" Izuku announced. The receptionist nodded before going onto the computer next to her, typing something before facing him again.

"Miss Uraraka is on the third floor, fourth door from the elevators." She mentioned. "She is well enough for visitors, but she does have a check-up scheduled in an hour." Izuku let out a soft sigh, though deeper than he thought before thanking the receptionist and making his way down the corridor and towards the elevators. 

It had taken a lot for him to finally visit Uraraka. With everything that had happened to her at the Hero Festival, there was a lingering fear inside as to if she would be OK, especially with the injuries he saw on her. Even after Ashido said she was doing fine through the group chat, he still couldn't bring himself to visit her. Only this time, it was due to his feelings.

He always had feelings for Uraraka, but they've been growing more, reaching almost breaking point on that day. There was a fear of rejection, but there was a stronger fear of letting these feelings overflow. Even if it were to go wrong, which was most likely. It had to be said. It needed to be said.

"It's OK. It will be OK. It's fine." Izuku muttered to himself as he stepped into an available elevator. "Just tell her how you feel, regardless of what she feels. Even though she said she would rather be friends." He sighed, leaning his head against the wall. "Why does this have to be hard?"

His inner turmoil was interrupted by the elevator announcer, declaring the arrival of the third floor. With a deep sigh, he walked out and began slowly walking down the corridor, counting the doors before finally reaching the fourth door. Standing right in front of it for a while, he eventually raised his hands and gently knocked on the door.

"Yes? Come in." His heart flipped from hearing her voice. A voice he hadn't heard for a week. He became frozen for a second before catching himself. He took a deep breath for the umpteenth time today before reaching for the handle and slowly sliding the door open.

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