Chapter 10: Base

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"What are we doing today?" Pengu asked.

"Today is Saturday so I don't go to..." Kabdsxy started.

"I understand." Pengu said.

Pengu started waddling toward Kabdsxy but after a minute he saw he had only walked one penguin step. Then suddenly Pengu got lifted off the ground and started floating outside feet first!

Kabdsxy grabbed on to Pengu but Pengu kept floating. Pengu crashed into Mirk. "Watch where you are going Pengu!" Mirk said.

"Help! I'm floating away! Can you help me?" Pengu cried.

"I think the tracker is pulling on you, I invented a magnetic force blocking machine, wait until I come back." Mirk responded. Mirk saw that Kabdsxy was holding loosely on Pengu. Mirk's mind wandered back to the events of last night.

"I can't!" Pengu yelled but Mirk couldn't hear him anymore.

Mirk went in his mouse hole and brought out the machine, when he didn't see Pengu anywhere. Mirk looked around. A tiny piece of the tracker was on the ground. Mirk got out his computer and hacked into the radar which he assumed was Catcher's.

Mirk went upstairs through his mini elevator he had built in the wall. He went inside the penguin family room where he found Pingu swimming with Wink.

"Where did Pengu go?" Pingu asked nervously.

"He flew away." Mirk responded.

"Penguins can't fly!" Pingu insisted.

"A tracker was pulling him; do you want to help rescue him?" Mirk asked. Pingu rolled her eyes.

"How is that possible?" Pingu asked, "This is not a joke!"

Mirk rolled his eyes and showed her a security camera he hid inside the house. It showed Pengu walking, then he got lifted off the ground.

"Convinced?" Mirk asked

"Yeah! Of course!" Pingu exclaimed.

"They are far away so let's take my small car." Pingu nodded. Wink gently nudged Pingu off.

"Ok." Pingu chirped. She ran off towards the penguin burrows. After a few minutes, she came back.

"I'm done saying goodbye." Pingu smiled sheepishly. Mirk tapped his pen impatiently.

"You might not fit inside the car though--" Mirk started.

"Are you calling me fat?" Pingu squeaked. Mirk bit his lip. This was going to be annoying.


"Hello funny koala friend of Mirk!" Pingu chirped. They were at the trees where Kirk lived.

"Have you seen a flying--" Mirk started.

"Yes, there was a big flying machine followed by a blob of blue fur." Kirk interrupted.

Mirk grumbled to himself, "Why does everyone interrupt me?!" but put on a smile and continued. "Thanks, which way did it go?" Mirk asked.

"It went a bit further then the Camo Guy did." Kirk replied.

"I can track him and use my Wellington GPS to find him." Mirk suggested.

"Ok!" Pingu said.

Mirk and Pingu headed towards the spot that marked Pengu on his tracker. They sat in the car but after a while they were lost.

"What's that?" Pingu asked. Mirk looked in the direction of Pingu. He could make out the shapes long footprints.

"That looks like Kabdsxy's dragged tracks! Let us follow it!" Mirk started his car. He put his hand on the steering wheel and raced after Kabdsxy's tracks. After a while, the engine sputtered and the car stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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