I promised I'd always be strong and take care of myself without anyone's help, but since meeting everyone here and forming a family, I'd come to learn that it was ok to lean on people in a time of need.

And this was indeed a time of need.

As we approached the gate I could smell and see Xander. Fury ran through my body as he stood on the other side of my gate clad in a black suit, sunglasses on his face and a file in his hand. Next to him was his Beta Albert dressed similar.

After dismissing the guards I finally looked him in his eyes. The same ones I had once looked in with hope of a new life. The same ones that had crushed that hope and my soul.

With a controlled anger I spoke to him.

"What are you doing on my land uninvited?"

He took his glasses off with his free hand and stared at me a few seconds before answering.

"Aletha i-"

"I never gave you permission to use my name." I interrupted him, holding back a growl at his disrespect.

"of course, my apologies, Alpha Reyes"

With a growl I bared my teeth at him.

his beta bowed his head as the flow of my power weighed on him.

"Its Alpha Morgans I won't tell you again. Get off my land and don't come back!" I turned around and began leaving wanting to tear his head off for the disrespect.

Just as I was about to, he shouted at me

"I have information that could help you with your investigation!" The desperation in his voice leaked through and I couldn't help but wonder if it was a trick.

I turned around slowly and looked to my friends. With a nod of my head I dismissed them and had Ace dismiss his as well.
Walking past him, I missed his small smile at being able to stay with me.

"If you're fucking with me you are dead, do you hear?"

He only smirked and nodded.

I punched in the code and opened up the gate.

Zelda could do nothing but guffaw at Xanders audacity to try and walk next to me as I led him to my office.

Key word. Try.

Ace got in between us as he mugged Xander.

Anger ran through Xanders eyes as he flexed his jaw and kept his mouth shut, not wanting to anger me. But I could see how bothered he was by Aces present.

It made me want to laugh.

Once we made it to my office I sat in my chair with Ace leaning on the wall close behind me. His stance was intimidating yet very hot.

Xander and co took seats in the chairs across my desk.

He eyed the picture on my desk a little too long for my liking.

His eyes flicked back up to Ace with the same bothered look as before.
"Does he need to be in here?" He asks

"Yes, he's part of the investigation" I answer.

"Who is he?"

"An Alpha. What do you have?" I say quickly cutting to the point.

"I want to talk first" he says.

"About what?"

"You know what"

"Well I dont want to talk to you about that, give me the information you have then leave"

"I'm still an Alpha. In order to give information, I need it. Now I can either leave after we have a discussion then I give you the info, or I can just leave without giving you anything"

"Then leave" I got up and angrily walked towards the door, suppressing Zelda from coming out.

I felt a hand grab my own and it burned like fire. Before a hiss of pain could escape my mouth a roar of fury came out of Aces as he threw Xander through the wall.

Mouth hung open in shock, all I could do was stare.


I had tried to be civilized for Aletha.
When he didn't address her right, I didn't say anything.
When he didn't use her right last name, I didn't say anything.
When he tried to walk beside her I didn't beat him until he couldn't walk anymore, even though I badly wanted to.
See? I tried.

But when he grabbed her as she tried to walk out the door, and I could see a hint of pain in her eyes, I was no longer in control.

Before I even knew what was happening Luca had taken over and threw Xander threw the wall.

I debated reigning him back in but before I could I was being tackled from the side.

Luca laughed as the little Beta tried with all his might to take me down.

In a fight between Alphas no one is to get involved and if they do an alpha was permitted to kill. But Luca didn't want this bastards blood in Alethas lands so he flung him to side, knocking him out.

Xander recovered quicker than we thought he would and with a roar he barreled into us. Teeth tearing into skin, claws ripping fur apart and dominance overflowing, we wrestled.

About 30 seconds into the fight the most beautiful wolf We'd ever seen ran to Xander gripping his neck with her fangs and threw him off of us.

Zelda came over , sniffing me until Luca couldn't handle it anymore and we transformed into wolf form as well.

With a yip Zelda began to lick his wounds as he puffed his chest out in pride.

They were disrupted by an angry roar like no other as Xanders wolf form witnessed the scene. With a quickness he began to run towards us and Luca shoved Zelda behind him but xander was ambushed by pack warriors. They struggled to hold him down but once they did he was tranquilized and both him and his beta were transported to a cell as was the protocol.

Zelda led Luca to a cabin and the door opened up to reveal both my and Alethas friends.

Jackson and Nicolai rushed over to Luca as their wolves worried for their Alpha.

I'm fine  I linked them.

"Oh my god what happened?" Ethan asked as Zelda and Luca let us back into our human form. Clothes were handed to us as soon as we shifted back.

"Leave now " Aletha told her friends.

Sensing her frustration I signaled for Jackson and Nikolai to do the same.

Once they left I slowly walked up to Aletha expecting her to be angry.

What I did not expect, however, was for her jump into my arms and kiss me greedily.

Lust For Revenge Where stories live. Discover now