Chapter 1: A new.... friend?!?! (Part 1)

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3rd person POV

Once Y/N got home he couldn't get those 4 girls out of his head for some reason it was.... odd to say the least so he ignored these feelings for the time being. He walks through the front door and took his shoes off, making his way down towards the kitchen to put all of the items away.


Once I put everything away I walked upstairs and made my way to the bathroom, I lift my shirt to reveal all the cuts, gashes, scars and bruises from earlier encounters with people. I looks at my stab wound and let out a tired breath "Welp I guess my collection of scars doesn't seem to be slowing down..... wooohoo....." I let out a soft growl as I raise my arm "mmmmm...." i stare at it more as the wound slowly closed up

3rd person POV

Y/N stares at it and stretches a bit "yep this is gonna take a few hours to heal". he takes off his shit due to the blood stain and gashes left on it "damnit this was my favorite shirt...." The kaiju shifter quirk user said as he walked down the steps to his kitchen "hmmm.... what should I make for dinner today.... cups of ramen, beef, eggs, carrots, and... what's it called.... time or mint????" He shrugs and let out a a yawns "ok lets get start, guess I can make a 'special' ramen I suppose"

time skip brought to you by smol Shin Goji chewing on his tail.


I finished making my meal and stretch "daaamn I'm good" I smile and grab a bowl with my tail and pour the delicious substance into it. I start to hum a small tune as i perpare to eat.


3rd person POV

Y/N finished eating and decided to head to bed due tomorrow getting late so he changed into a pair of black sweatpants and a vest. Once he finished he climbed into bed and yawned, then he thought to himself "Since I'm going to U.A. I might as well start going to school instead of this homeschool bull." He lets out a sigh and drifted off to sleep.

This is the last one for now

I was on my way to my school and I felt really.... Awkward cause my dorsal plates cut through my uniform so now I have holes in it...... perfect. "I gotta hurry..." I rush and run through the front gates and darted into the school

Teachers POV

"Okay class we have a "new" student... when not technically but YOU GET MY POINT"
"Oh I hope he's cute" a short girl says
"He better not be a pompous asshole like someone we know" a male student said as he rolled his eyes
"WHAT WAS THAT I'LL KILL YOU" an ash blonde retorted
"I-I hope he's nice..." a boy assorted with green said
"Ok, CAN YALL SHUT UP!!!! ...Alright kid you can come in now"


I walk into the class with and let out a breath "Hello everyone my name is Y/N L/N it's a pleasure to meet you" the room was dead silent, quiet to the point you can hear a pen click "u-uhh a-any questions" the class looks and me and started asking questions
"Do you have a quirk" one asked
"Are my dorsal plates and tail not proof enough"
"How old are you?" Another questioned
"15" I said bluntly "any other questions"
That's when I noticed the ash blonde stair at me with a smirk "you with the blonde hair, do you have a quest and what's your name?"
"The names Bakugou Katsuki damn extra and I'm gonna be the next number 1 hero" he replied.
"Uh huh and what was your question?" I tilt my head and smile gently
"Why the hell do you look so gross..."
"I'm sorry.... what" I growled
"I said why do you look so gross and ugly what are you def or somethin" Bakugou smirked while the class started snickering.
I started to laugh to ease off some of the pain
"Ok Y/N you can go sit next to Midoriya"
"Annnd who is that I my ask" I snarled keeping my eyes on ThE nExT nUmBeR 1 HeRo... what a jerk... this kid known as Midoriya raised his hand "T-that w-would be m-me."
I turn my head as my resting bitch face start to soften "alright" was the only thing that left my mouth. I can already tell this is going to be a.... interesting.... day

DAMN THAT WAS A LOT I hope y'all like this chapter also I forgot to mention what you look like without your mask and stuff

There ya go idk but imma just say I have a thing for scars also another ability U will have is DNA manipulation it's pretty self explanatory, you can manipulate your own DNA meaning you can change your vocal cords and whatnot yeah in addition to t...

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There ya go idk but imma just say I have a thing for scars
also another ability U will have is DNA manipulation it's pretty self explanatory, you can manipulate your own DNA meaning you can change your vocal cords and whatnot yeah in addition to that imma make Shin Gojis arms longer cause they way they are now, their essentially useless. But thats all for today folks imma see you next chapter .

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