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Yesterday night was amazing. I went to an after party with my friends and had a lot of fun. I woke up today late in the morning, at around eleven and went to have breakfast.

I made myself a bowl of cereal and went into my room. After finishing the breakfast, I did my morning routine and opened my laptop to see if I've gotten any mails from any of the colleges or universities I applied for.

I logged into my ID and the first email that I saw in my inbox made me extremely nervous it was from Washington University. I was extremely nervous, I could feel my palms sweating and my heart thudding. I really wanted to open that email with my grandparents because they are literally my parents and have been through every step of my life with me.

But, I decided to open it by myself because just in case, if I didn't get into it they'll feel sad about it and that is because they know how much I want to get into it. I don't want to make them sad because of me. So, I took a deep breath and prayed before clicking on the email.

'Dear Katelyn' I read on the screen and literally I was freaking out because the next word itself will determine my whole future. This is actually giving me major anxiety. I should just read it and get over it. If I don't get into it there are a lot of other colleges and universities I have applied for. It'll work out, so here we go.

'Congratulations' I read the word and jumped out of my chair with happiness. But I couldn't believe it. Like is the University pranking me? Is the email genuine? I actually searched up the email address and everything and it was a hundred percent genuine. Oh my God! I couldn't stop smiling! I rushed downstairs and went straight to find my grandparents.

They were sitting in the living room and noticed me smiling, jumping and squealing at the same time.

"Is everything okay?" Grandpa looked at me with genuine concern because I was acting crazy right now.

I squealed with happiness, "Oh, my God!" My grandma got it in a few seconds but got up with a big smile and hugged me.

And then it hit grandpa, "Oh, you got accepted!" He embraced me and grandma in a big hug.

"Yes!" I chuckled.

"I'm on a call, go and shout somewhere else!" The voice sounded angry, I looked in the direction where the voice came from. It was "dad". His eyebrows were furrowed and his face looked like the definition of the word 'annoyed'. He went away from the living to his own after glaring at me.

He just hates seeing me happy doesn't he?

Like, I just got accepted into my dream university and look at his reaction. Although his reaction didn't affect me the way it would have before, I have been trying not to get hurt by his harsh words but I've failed at that once again.

His words still have impacted me and have hurt my feelings again and that's one of the reasons I'm going to live on campus. I just can't take it anymore from him, even though his visits are rare and short but one word from his mouth is enough to complete the hurt I could feel in three months.

"Honey," Grandma looked at me with a worried face, obviously aware of the fact that dad has hurt my feelings, again.

"Listen it from one ear and take it out from the other." Grandpa advised, "you know that he speaks nonsense" he continued.

I am hurt but I don't want my grandparents to worry about it so I gave them a bright smile and successfully succeeded in it.

"You're right grandpa!" I gave both of them one of the brightest smiles and continued, "I'll be upstairs, I have to call my friends and inform them about my acceptance." I chuckled.

"Okay!" Grandpa smiled and grandma nodded.

I went upstairs and pushed the upset thoughts that I was having because of my dad. I took a moment to breathe, listen to music and ignore whatever I was going through.

I mean there's nothing that I can do about it now. Whatever it is I should focus on myself now, I can't let him take away my happiness. I just got admission in my dream university and here I am, getting sad about a person who doesn't even care about me.

But hey, I've got some good friends and an amazing boyfriend. I should focus more on the good things that I have in my life because I can't just sit here and be sad about something I cannot change like my relationship with my dad.

I took a deep breath and face timed Nicole and Claire.

"Hey!" Nicole picked up the call.

"Hi!" Claire picked it up as well.

"What's up?" Nicole asked.

"Guys.." I grinned, "I got my acceptance letter from Washington University!" I giggled.

"Oh my God! You've always wanted to get into it! I'm so happy for you!" Nicole squealed out of excitement.

"Yay! I knew that you would make it!" Claire grinned, "hold on a second" she paused, "Guys I just got an email from University of California San Diego!" She widened her eyes and shrieked.

"Oh my God, open it!" Nicole ordered.

"Did you get in?" I asked.

"Guys." Her face showed no expression and her voice was low.

"What happened?" Nicole furrowed her brows.

"I got in!" She screamed.

"Great!" I grinned.

"Okay, listen. I have to tell mom and dad about this so see you at Katelyn's place." Claire blabbered.

"Okay, bye!" Nicole waved her hand.

"Bye!" I smiled and disconnected the call.

I was about to tell it to Ryder but then I thought that I'd tell him face to face when we meet to see his reaction.

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