A Spy

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After setting out to establish a route to Shiganshina, the Scout Regiment encountered the intelligent Female Titan. As soldier after soldier fell, the Regiment rushed into a forest of Giant trees, much to everyone's puzzlement.

Eren: Who could possibly stop it, if not Squad Levi!? Another one is dead! We could have saved him too!

Levi: Choose. Will you trust yourself or me, these guys, and the entire Scout Regiment?


They kept riding with the Female Titan behind them until she fell right into the trap which was already set by Erwin.

Erwin: FIRE!!

The other Scouts activated their special target restraining weapons and fired multiple metal arrowheads with wires connected to them at the Female Titan from all directions and she was immobilized with both of her hands protecting her nape.

Eren: You don't mean...They are going to take that Titan alive?

Gunther: What do you think of that, Eren!? We caught that Titan!

Oruo: This is the might of the Scout Regiment! Don't underestimate us, you idiot! Now, do you see!?

The young rookie was impressed by the Scout Regiment's clever trick to trap the Female Titan as his lips curled upwards.

Eren: Yes!


Levi: It looks like she has been restrained.

Erwin: We cannot drop our guard yet. I am just impressed you managed to lead her to this spot.

Levi: The credit goes to the rear squad who gave their lives fighting her. They bought us time. It would have been impossible otherwise.

Erwin: Is that so?

Levi: Yes. Thanks to them, we get to see who is inside this one's nape. Let's just hope they are not wetting themselves inside there.

Review End

Levi and Erwin stared at the Female Titan with cold glares as it struggled to move, but the special target restraining weapons restrained her movement, giving Eren and his team more time to get farther away from her through the forest.

Eren: An Abnormal? Or is it like the Colossal Titan?

Eren (in his mind): Wait. Did Commander Erwin actually-

Oruo: Hey! Quit spacing out!

Petra: Eren!

Eren: Yes!?

Petra: You can think later! We need to get further ahead!

Eren: Right!

Back to Erwin and Levi

Levi took out his blade and was about to jump onto the Female Titan's nape to slice the person  out, but Erwin stopped him before he could do it.

Erwin: Wait, Levi. We need to be extra cautious. Waves two and three! Fire! Use the reserves too!

The Scouts fired their reserved special target restraining weapons at the Female Titan. The projectiles kept flying into her flesh from all sides nonstop which eventually immobilized her completely.


While things were going on in the middle of the forest, the Scouts outside were still standing on the branches of the tall trees holding the Titans at bay. They managed to keep them off without a fight and everything was going well until some started to climb up the trees. 

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