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scratched arms when angry and falling to the floor of a wooden house when sad . fourteen in a black and purple plaid dress dancing at a funeral when supposed to be mourning . forever flushed cheeks when embarrassed and senseless poems spewed like vomit when stressed . sixteen chain-smoking in a graffitied tunnel under train tracks once ridden to a one-sided love affair's house who hated rain while the clouds battle one another in the sky . hearts scribbled over physics tests paid no attention to when delighted and the same tests torn to pieces when frustrated . and whatever the fuck else a star bitten emotion ridden darling dear endures when insane ,,,, name a feeling and feel it like an unstable woman who can barely stand on two feet when trying to advocate for what is right — or so what it is right to a woman who is deemed as deranged . intensely , gorgeously , deranged . a fire breathing dragon , witches who brew bodies of boys who can't stand rain into their potions perch on a woman who mixes peroxide into blood stained butterfly smoothies restless shoulders . six dollar sundresses melted into a doorless bedroom floor because a woman with evil worms for brains hates her lustily crafted hollowed-out body . songs withholding well thought out symphonies screamed by a woman who has never experienced the kind of love a blue colored drunk boasts about . a sweet pear as an aching best friend to a hopeless woman who is just as tired hearing her mind-made problems as the woman is living through them . chapped cashmere lips laughed at whenever thoughts that could happen to actually mean something pour out . a lowlife angel sent from hell below us to teach us exactly what not to do . don't be deranged , don't be intense , don't be berserk . beautiful but dark inside like a rose printed ash tray . young but now ,,, an old enough woman to bite the tongue of expression when expressing .

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