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what does the word mother mean to you?

close your eyes and paint a picture

red coarse curly hair
to complement outfits
darker than a sense of humor
i'll never admit i happen to admire

a mother to her mother but also a mother to children that bask in impatience and anxiety
that she always seems to soothe
a turtle carved into the back of a shoulder
that i may not always lean on,
but it sure is there if i ever need to

a woman who sees
way too much
of herself
in me;
a sarcastic, strong, passionate shadow
behind her wearing chunky doc martens
and a mouth that tends to lead to trouble

maybe that's why she's always worrying

but it always dives deeper than what you can see from the surface.
you see, mother and i
might just be a little too alike

spewing harsh words
from the bottom of the stairs
that we're both too stubborn
to apologize for

although i hope mother knows i'm sorry for it all, all the fights and hair pulling and shockingly scummy sentences written over text messages, nights without speaking to each other over days filled with regretful rambles because i want mother to be anything but right even though we both know she certainly always is.
sorry isn't the only thing i tend to be,
i'm also thankful
thankful for a person who always stands up for me to mothers who can only wish to be as cool as she is, for a consistent support system who believes in me way more than i ever will believe in myself, for a body next to me in a king-sized bed to watch tv shows i basically forced upon her, for ears to listen as i obsess over the next best thing in my life as i walk around a house as perfectly decorated as the inside of her heart and soul.

what does the word mother mean to me?
to keep it simple;
it means a force in my life so strong it can strike fire to cities of children wishing they had something as great as i do.

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