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Heart to heart to pen to paper

I'm writing half-assed-green-penned poetry

To avoid doing my almost laughable overly due homework

Good news is hearts can't draw themselves and that's what I'm here for

Temporary tattooed rose on my wrist next to a remembrance of 4/20/2019, a fairly fucked up stick + poke tribute to my used-to-be favorite band

My delicacy sure has shifted beautifully!

I wear skirts more than pants now — but I am deeply insecure of my legs and their lack of daintiness

I can't draw stars quite yet but I'm working on it — although I watch them sparkle in the sky when the night is hushed, they spit happy dust in the shape of snowflakes that land and dissolve on my tongue

Which in fact, makes me forget about you, but not for long

Because when I decide to climb off my high horse and crawl into my bed, I find myself dreaming of you — even before I'm sleeping

Boys never tell me I'm beautiful but they always call me cute, I tend to wonder if this has to do with my soft childlike cheeks, or the way I eat ice cream like a sweet-deprived toddler

My ugly home is cold and comfy and that explains why everyone is always here, but one day I would like to see your toothy grin in another house besides mine

I am bubblegum tasting truth serum. Vomit your secrets onto my lap as I'm shooting venom in your mouth. You'll tell me I'm not your favorite person like I was once and sadly I did gain weight from last summer when I was drowning in an eating disorder that made my diet consist of lies and low-fat yogurts.

Summer this year was almost as magnificent as autumn. Watermelon, cherry flavored joints and we're exactly where we're not supposed to be. I had never screamed this loud and my legs have never been this sore before.

Now I prefer to sit uncomfortably in silence

With long socks and orangish hair and way more hate in my heart

Knees to my chest I'm with you and we're young again, drugged on sour candy and sacrifice and I'm laughing really hard that it makes me want to cry

Knife to my chest I'm alone in my room slurping half sought apologies and I'm crying about how much life is changed

Caress my petal lips once more, send me off into the moonlit shadows as I lay in an open casket and I'll pretend your touch actually means something for once

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