"I got you something," he wiggled a paper bag in front of my eyes, which was in his hand all this while. Strangely, I had not noticed it till now. Perhaps I was too into admiring the angelic being to care about a mere bag that came with him.

"Really?" He nodded with the most heart- warming smile I had ever seen. Oh, how much I loved to admire it!

I excitedly pulled out the bag from his hand and looked inside it to find two huge chocolate bars, some packets of different flavored chips, and a few packages of gummy worms. I am sure my face brightened up at the view. I don't  think there's a need to mention that these were my favorites. Looking further into it, I found a little navy box tied with a beautiful purple ribbon, peeking from behind the packets. Pulling that out, I looked at Jungkook, "For me?"

"Mhm. Have a look." And again, the smile. I hastily opened the box, too impatient to see what's inside. There rested a gorgeous golden bracelet with a little snowflake at the center. My eyes sparkled, and I squealed in happiness, taking the bracelet and wrapping it around my wrist.

A piece of jewelry is all it takes to make my day, and Jungkook knows it really well. Obviously, but how could I not expect it coming when he  goes all the way to make me happy, every time?

"Like it?" Jungkook asked, helping me to secure the bracelet around my wrist. "I love it," I avidly said, still admiring the gift I just received, twisting and turning my wrist. His choice really surprises me sometimes. How can he be so precise about the details? The bracelet was simple, yet it contained everything that I could ever ask for. Not to mention how it complimented my skin tone. 

I looked up to him, thanking him for the present I received, and I did not forget to point out how beautiful it was. "Glad you like it." Jungkook walked towards the couch with a proud smile, plopping himself to the soft fabric. "Which movie?" He asked, getting ready to search for one. "You choose. I'll get the snacks."

I walked towards the kitchen, still fanatically smiling to have him close to me. The butterflies in my stomach swirling around in happiness, knowing that I was in his mind during his trip, and he even got me a present. His little gestures made the sparkles of love for him in my heart grow into a whole damn flame that melted me every time I am with him.

I was so grateful to have Jungkook in my life, as my... savior, I must say. After my family passed away in a car accident almost a decade ago, I had no one to rely on. Being conservative, and rejective towards everyone didn't help at all. Jungkook was the only person who never gave up on me and patiently waited for me to open up to him. Being the kind person he is, he got me out of my misery and introduced happiness to my life again.

I never thought I would have someone to trust and open up to when my family left me all alone. Having an angel in my life as a friend and being able to share every detail of my thought processes with him is truly a blessing to me, considering how reserved I am as a person. We trusted each other to share every little detail of our lives and knew almost everything about each other.

Well, except for the fact that I have developed romantic feelings for him. Talking about my feelings, I have liked him for a while now, it is probably time to let him know about it. If he likes me back, that would be great, but I should accept and move on if he doesn't. I don't want to regret it later because I couldn't confess to him when I still had chance.
With that thought, I picked up the tray of snacks along with the cupcakes I baked earlier and went to Jungkook.

"Took you long enough," Jungkook said, probably seeing me from his peripheral vision because his eyes were still on the screen in front of him.

I cheekily smiled and placed the tray on the coffee table, slumping beside him. Getting inside the blanket and hugging one of the pillows, I leaned towards Jungkook's body to feel some of his warmth. He gladly wrapped his left arm around me and looked at the tray.

"You baked cupcakes?" He excitedly said, eyes showing the whole galaxy in it, a huge bunny smile on his face that didn't fail to make me go all fuzzy inside.

"Mhm," I hummed, admiring the angelic being in front of me. "Wow, blackberries. You're the best Y/N." He grabbed one of the cupcakes, quickly took a big bite, and hummed in satisfaction. He sure was too happy savoring his favorite dessert. I just admired him and his childishness.

The way his whole face brightened up when the sweet melted on his mouth got me grinning in contentment. His cheeks swelled up, mouth full with the cake, and he cutely moved his jaw, making him look like a kid. Multiple hums of triumph left his throat, which made my heart skip numerous beats seeing him gleam like that.

Even after years of knowing him, I found something unique in him every time I looked at him. All those discoveries are only adding up to the ocean full of reasons I already have to admire the gem. I could watch him for the whole day and still not get enough of him and his out-of-the-world beauty.

I snapped my head to the screen, suddenly realizing I was staring at him for too long.
"Yup. I wanted to watch some beautiful 2-D creatures." He chuckled.
"Arghh, now I have to tolerate all your fanboying." I groaned and heaved a sigh, which was not supposed to sound as frustrated as it did.
"Oh please, I know you are low-key in love with the characters."

"Ahh... Kawaii" I dramatically cupped my cheeks and squealed, playfully rolling my eyes soon after.

He looked at me, paused for a second, and burst into laughter.
"You look like baby Yoda."
"Oh yeah? you look like Judy Hopps." I spat out at him, harshly grabbing the bowl of popcorn and shoved a handful in my mouth.

"Careful there, you might choke." Jungkook was still laughing at me, but his caring side got my heart to flutter. I just glared at him, trying not to show my giddy self.
"Aww, is my angry bird annoyed?"
"Shut up and let me concentrate." My best friend snickered and pulled me closer by my waist. I subtly smiled when I felt a soft peck on my crown.

. . .

Halfway through the movie, I looked at him and found him deeply focused. I was already nervous about my confession and seeing his calm face only added to it. What if.. he doesn't like me back?
I tried and forced aside those thoughts, convincing myself that it's not a big of a problem if he doesn't like me back. We are best friends I am sure we will manage to keep our bond as strong as ever.
Or... will we?

Realizing this was not the time to overthink the situation, I just tried to concentrate on the movie for the time being. Did that help to soothe my nervousness, though? Definitely not. I was getting more and more anxious every passing second, and I couldn't focus on the movie at all.

Jungkook seemed to notice the tension in me, therefore, asked if I was alright. I nodded my head in an attempt to assure him that I was fine, but he wasn't convinced. How would he? He reads me as if the way I feel is clearly written on my forehead, in bold font.
"Y/N, are you alright?" He rather demanded this time. I pulled out from him and took a deep breath. Jungkook looked a little confused by my actions, but I didn't bother and proceeded anyway. "I have something to say."

"I am all ears." He completely diverted his attention to me now, making the adrenaline rush in my body. Damn, why would I have to be this nervous about a simple confession?
Oh, wait... it may not be simple.. but just do it and get over with it, I thought and gathered all the bits of my courage.

I looked at his orbs, smiled a little at the comforting view, and said, "What do you think of us being more than friends?"
A confused "huh" escaped Jungkook's lips at my choice of words.
"I mean, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I straightforward inquired him this time.

His eyes widened, his expression changing to a horrified one.
I messed it up, didn't I?

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