Liam turned speechless at Lily Qin's words. She was telling the truth; his mother did take advantage of the two family's closeness and offered marriage to the dying Madam of the Facci family. At first, he thought that she had simply agreed to fulfil her dying grandmother's wishes.

Who would have thought that she would back out of the engagement a mere month after the death of Old Madam Facci?

He narrowed his eyes at the smiling woman in front of him before looking at the photos on the table. If the paparazzi were to get hold of these photos, it would cause a scandal and his career as the CEO would be over. His father might even kick him out of the family.

He, then, started to read the documents that Lily gave him. The amount that she was offering to buy those companies was not that bad. In fact, this was better than what most companies offered them in the past. However, the fact that a woman outsmarted him was something that Liam couldn't accept.

With a dark face, Liam got up from his seat and glared at her. "Lily, I never thought that you would be this shrewd. I always thought that you were kind like your mother and grandmother! Who would have thought that you had inherited your attitude from your bastard father?" Seeing the smug smile disappear from Lily's face instantly made him happy. "You think you are so high sitting here in your lavish office? Did you think I did not know about what happened seven years ago? Huh? You are a slut. You deserved everything that happened to you!" seeing Lily shifting uncomfortably made him smile.

"I will confer with my father and lawyers about the offer and send the documents back to you when the board decides to accept it," he said, storming out of her office, leaving a pale-faced Lily staring blankly at the now closed door.


"Yang Mi, cancel all my meetings today." Lily did not wait for her secretary to respond as she dropped the call and pressed the 'Do Not Disturb' button on her office phone.

She then stared at the floor to ceiling windows that gave her access to the magnificent skyscraper view in the busy streets of London.

It was summer-time, yet the sky was sprawled with dark clouds. The winds started to howl like a hungry wolf looking for its prey. The first crack of lightning, followed by the booming sound of the angry thunder made her jolt in her seat.

She hated the rain. She hated how it always made her feel vulnerable and weak, like a child waiting for someone else's protection. She clenched her teeth as she reached for the remote to close the blinds in her office, hiding from the bullets of raindrops that splattered against her windows.

She then reclined in her seat and closed her eyes. She remembered Liam's poisonous words from earlier.

Did she really deserve everything that happened seven years ago?

Chapter 2 :Seven Long Years

The irritating sound of her phone ringing made Lily Qin grumble. She rubbed her eyes in an attempt to rid herself of drowsiness. She looked at the wall clock to her left and grumpily picked up her phone.

Who would dare to call her in the dead of night? It was two in the morning, for crying out loud!

"Miss Qin Jinghua?"

"Speaking. Who is this?" Lily Qin furrowed her brows when the caller used her birth name. She had already changed her name a long time ago.

"I am Yan Xiao. I am a lawyer representing the Qin family. I am calling to inform you that your paternal grandmother, Madam Ye Xiaoxuan, died at seven thirty-six this morning. That was two hours ago. In compliance with her last Will..."

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