You saw Chris going out of the front door. Curiosity filled your head but curiosity ruins things most of the time. You weren't willing to ruin anything at this point because of a stupid feeling you always got. You went inside to turn on some music. You went back outside and continued tanning. The music was old school. Like 40s type shit. You heard the front door open and saw Chris' shadow past by and hearing his sandals clicking against the wooden floor. The song "  it's been a long, long time" played on the radio. 

" You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Chris said while going outside towards you.

"  You might need to go find Peggy Carter." You lifted your head and followed his motion.

" Why would I have to find her? She is right infront of me?" Chris sat down facing you.

" Actually no.. I wouldn't let you leave Bucky behind like Steve did." 

" Oh come on that was the love of his life."

" And that was his best friend. Don't say " I-im with you till the end of the line." IF YOUR NOT EVEN GONNA BE THERE." 

" BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." Chris grabbed his left boob and leaned back. 

" Exactly. Peggy Carter my fucking ass." You mumbled loudly causing Chris to laugh even more.   

A few hours have passed. You swam around with Chris and just talked. It started to get late so you went back inside and went for a quick shower. You enjoyed your shower because the whole view of the island was right there. You took your time in washing your hair, shaving the hair that were growing back again, etc. You got up and saw Chris in bed watching some kids movie. You walked closer to him and tapped him on the shoulder. 

" Hey baby." Chris put the remote controller down.

" Hi.. I'm hungry." You patted your hair with a cotton towel. 

" Oh yeah I forgot. Get dressed we are going out for a date." He got out of bed and made his way the the closet. 

" I thought you were suppose to tell me that way before the date started." 

" I mean yeah but I just got distracted." 

" Do I have to dress up nice?"

" Yesss." 

" Okayyy I'll be ready soon." 

You walk into your closet that is by the bathroom. You laid your eyes on this sun dress. The sundress fit your like a perfect glove. You went into the bathroom and dried your hair pretty face and put on some sandals. They matched your dress perfectly. You put on some lip gloss and some perfume that Chris loved on you. You walked out of the bathroom and Chris' eyes widen ones he saw you.  You walked towards him with a huge smile on your face and took his hand.

" You ready bae?" 

" More than ever." He lead you to the door. 

Chris lead you to the dinner date spot. It was only the both of you. But inside of a regular date there was rose pedals everywhere, candles lit up, faded romantic music. Your eyes widen and butterflies formed in the pit of your stomach. You loved this feeling that Chris made you feel. It's like he knew what to do for you could feel this feeling. He was a true hopeless romanic. Chris lead you to a seat and pulled the chair for you. You laughed and sat down, he pulled in the chair. He sat in his chair and took your hand while he looked at the menu. 

" Well Mr. romantic you really out did yourself." You didn't take your eyes off the menu. 

" Anything to make you feel loved." He stared at you with a smile on his face. 

" You already do that enough. Let me try to do it." You looked away from the menu. 

" You did already." 

" When?"

" Last Night." 

" Chris!" You smacked his hand playfully. He giggled a little bit from your reaction. 

You both order your food and talked about what would you guys do later on into the relationship. The main focus you had is what would he be like in the outside world when you both are in vacation. Salma one time told you " If you want to see if someone is really husband material. Take him on a vacation. That will tell you everything you need to know." That was one of the many advices that she gave you. Some reason in the conversation topic became about kids and marriage. 

" How would you feel if I asked you to marry me... Of course later on?"

" Your thinking about marrying me?? Awwwww."

" Oh shush. Can you answer my question?"

" I would say yes.. if we continued like this but we won't be in this stage if you asked me to marry you."

" How about if we had kids?"

" Chris.. how many kids do you want?"

" 3 or 4."

" You want me to give birth 3 or 4 times?!" You laughed.

" We never know if your even gonna get pregnant so much."

" Bae.. as many times as we have sex. I wouldn't be surprised."

" very true. but it's not my fault I can't get enough of you."

" Oh stoppp your making me blushhhhh." You looked away.

Your food came to the table. You both enjoyed your food and the view of the sunset. You both shared more than a few laughs. You guys would just look into each others eyes the whole time. It was like an on and off staring contest. The connection between the two of you both grew more thick. 

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