Chapter 1

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Alexander P.O.V

Standing, I stare out my window, slowing tapping my left foot. Whilst I grip the whiskey tight on my right hand. Something seems to be racing on my mind. 

I'm a successful 24-year-old businessman from London. I moved to America for business, and now I own the city of Newyork. I'm feared & respected by everyone. I must say, it's such a powerful feeling.

I own many properties, cars, billions of dollars-

But my heart feels empty. A feeling I can't quite seem to get rid of, that is; no matter how hard I try.I've always been man to show no emotions; it makes you weak. It's a development I established after my father passed away.

I quickly gulp the last bit of whiskey I had left, trying to push my thoughts deep down in me.I have better and important things to do. My business must always come first. I hear Someone walking to my office. "Mr. Jones... I'm having trouble-" she struggles

Ah Melissa, My assistant.

She nervously speaks, but I cut her off, "Have you found someone yet Melissa?" I ask.

She slowly shakes her head avoiding to make eye contact as she intertwines her fingers behind her back. Something I desperately hate.

I bang the glass down on my desk. I curl my tongue to the side of my cheeks, looking directly to her eyes "then get out, don't come back until you have found someone" I aggressively say. She leaves without saying a word closing the door behind her, she knows how much I hate when people waste my time.

I've assigned my assistant to look for a new babysitter...well more like a house keeper. And no, I don't have children...but my sister is out of NewYork back to London for a couple months, and as her older brother I couldn't say no to looking after her children. 

Shes been there for me when no one else was. But deep down I knew I would be too busy to babysit them myself. Therefore, I have given my assistant 2 days to find one that will. Or else... she's fired.

I have known Melissa for 4 years now. I know she will find me someone... and no, I won't fire her. I just want people to take my orders seriously.

*The following day*

I jog upstairs after finding out Melissa had found 5 new potential housekeepers

I knew she could do it.

I would need to interview each of them to see if there were eligible for the position. As I reach the end of the stairs, I see 5 women sitting down along the hallway waiting for me outside my office. Some are fixing their hair and makeup while the rest shake nervously. I make it obvious I have entered clearly my throat I walk into my office as I fix my loose watch. In the corner of my eyes, I witness the girls franticly straighten their backs just as if I had ordered them to.

Melissa calls them one by one for their interview.

*30 minutes later*

What a load of bullshit. None of them had the desire for this position, the women were fixtured on me the whole god dam interview They were all the same. But I knew I had to make a decision regardless. I have already wasted so much time. Thus, Melissa can contact whoever I may end up choosing to start tomorrow morning.

Claire's POV

I stayed up last night cleaning my accounting files. What can I say I'm a perfectionist? I like everything to be organized neatly displayed to my liking. I've always been this way. I like it.

You see, last week I had lost my job due to the corona virus pandemic. Living in a big city in Newyork unemployed terrifies me. But I am not a girl to let my fears get to me, I simply act upon them. I am grateful for the opportunities I had been given in life to get to where I am today. Obviously being unemployed was not the plan.

I lay in my bed whilst my body sinks deeply to the foam of the mattress. I just needed a few minutes rest.

*2 hours later*

I suddenly wake up checking my surroundings. I woke up to 4 missed calls and 2 voice Messages. Shit! Melissa.

2 days ago, I had been offered a job interview, with no job description just the offer. I was told to show up with identification and a resume at 5pm sharp. 

How could I forget? 6:05pm, I stare at my watch watching the time tick faster. In situations like this, I could not call myself a perfectionist. Regardless of my situation I managed to get ready and proceed as if I had woken up on time. It helps me cope.

I drive to the address Melissa had given me. For the first time I was very late.  

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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