12. First Day

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Cooper stared in the mirror slightly shaking. It was his first day in the medical field and he was terrified. 

"Cooper," Carson said tiredly. "Are you alright?" "I'm fine, Carson, just go back to sleep, I'm going to work," Cooper said walking out of the room. "Aw, no kiss?" Carson asked. Cooper rolled his eyes and kissed Carson's lips. Carson wrapped his arms around Cooper's neck trying to deepen the kiss. But Cooper pulled away. "You got too much of your father in you," he said. "Now, I'm off, I'll see you later." 

Cooper pulled up to the hospital and walked in. He was immediately greeted by another doctor. "Hey, you must be Cooper Adler," the doctor said. "Yeah, that's me," Cooper said. "I'm Dr. Madrid, follow me and I'll show you what to do," the doctor said. Cooper nodded and followed Dr. Madrid. 

But before Dr. Madrid could say anything a couple of other doctors ran in with a bloody man on a stretcher. "Dr. Madrid, we'll need you this man had been shot," one of the doctors said. "Follow me, Adler," Dr, Madrid said. But Cooper froze and looked like a deer in headlights. "Don't freeze boy, get over here!" Dr. Madrid said. Cooper nodded and ran after him. 

They ran into a room and Dr. Madrid began giving orders. Cooper was on the verge of an anxiety attack he was violently shaking. 

"Dr. Adler!" Dr. Madrid snapped. Cooper looked at them. "Are you alright, son?" Dr. Madrid asked. "F-fine, I... I'm fine," Cooper said. "Hand me the stitches" Dr. Madrid ordered. Cooper nodded slowly and handed Dr. Madrid the stitches.

They all held their breath as the surgery finished. The heart monitor beeped and showed the lines normally. Everyone sighed.


But Cooper ran out of the room the second Dr. Madrid said he could go. He walked to the bathroom and splashed water in his face as he struggled to control his breathing and stop shaking. 

Cooper then began crying as he slid against the wall, hugging his knees. "I'm a fucking failure," he thought. 

"You aren't." Cooper shot his head up and looked over at the doctor leaning against the wall. He was probably a year older than Cooper. His nametag read Moe on it. He was attractive too. "You responded great," Moe sitting beside Cooper. "Oh," Cooper said wiping his tears. Moe placed his hand on Cooper's knee. "I heard you were also gay," Moe said. "Uh... I-I'm taken," Cooper said. "Well, he doesn't have to know," Moe said. "N-" Cooper was cut off by Moe's lips on his. 

Cooper froze. For the second time that day, he froze.

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