11. Homecoming

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"He's your son and he hasn't changed. You'll accept and love him the way you did before," Axl said. "No, I don't need to do that. He's a disgrace. Aren't you worried about what he'll do to your name and fame?" Kayla asked. "No! As a matter of fact, I'm not! Because he's my son and I love him," Axl said. "Now, I'm going to see him whether or not you and Emily accept him!" "Fine, we'll go see him," Kayla said. "Don't yell at him!" Axl said. "I won't," Emily said. 

"Well, what do you think?" Mia asked nibbling on her lips. "I think he's my son. And I love him no matter what," Steven said. Mia smiled and hugged her husband. "But I don't see how the hell he could fall for Axl's kid," Steven said. Mia laughed. "I'm glad that's your only concern," she said. 


Carson, Cooper, and Joey were walking to great their families. Carson walked with his hands shoved his pockets and his head down. "It's won't be that bad, I'm sure they just came around," Cooper said. "Yeah, and even if he didn't just think of her as an entitled asshole," Joey said. Carson smiled. 

They finally walked over to their families. Carson's heart sank when he saw Kayla and Emily there. Emily was thirteen and a snot. She believed everything Kayla said. 

Carson walked up to his family, hugged his father, and glared at his mother his eyes narrowed. "Well, I may not agree with you. But you are my son," Kayla said. 

It wasn't the best apology. Maybe not even an apology. But it'll do, Carson thought. 

He looked over at Cooper who was about ten feet away. He was talking and laughing with his siblings. Carson held back an inner sigh knowing he wouldn't be seeing his boyfriend in a few days. 

The night before, Cooper had taken a break from his books to go to bed with Carson. Carson was excited about it, considering they wouldn't be seeing each other for a few days. 

Carson loved the fact that Cooper had gone to bed with him. Cooper usually just falls asleep at his desk. Before then it had made Carson doubt Cooper really was gay but he knew that was false and Cooper loved him. 


Oliver softly played his drums, Cooper was leaning against the doorframe watching his brother pour his heart into the music. 

"That sounds good," Cooper said making Oliver jump. He looked over at Cooper and smiled. "I've been practicing a lot," Oliver said. "Keep playing like that you'll be big! You'll be like Robert Boham," Cooper said. "John Bonham," Oliver corrected. "Yeah, whatever," Cooper said rolling his eyes. Oliver laughed. 

Cooper loved moments like that. Where it was him and Oliver. They grew up very close. Considering they shared no interests. Cooper knew nothing about rock fans and Oliver knew nothing about doctors or science. 

But that didn't matter to the two brother's they loved each other very much.

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