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Almost there.
Techno crested the hill and stopped dead. Wither knights.
Not very many of them, comparatively, but too many. They surrounded the nether portal, a tall rectangle cut from obsidian, with that strange glowing substance inside. Blackstone and gold surrounded the portal, elegant chains hanging around it. It was a true masterpiece, carved by the greatest artisans of the dead empire that once lived in the Arctic. Techno and Philza's empire.
Techno ducked behind a stem. He didn't think he'd been seen, but you could never tell.
"Oh no." Phil whispered from his back. "They're making sure we don't get out."
Techno grunted.
"We have to get through." Phil said. "Can you run to the portal? You need to get us as close as you can."
This would either work, or they'd both die. Techno grunted again, wishing more than ever he could talk to his old friend.
"Alright. We'll cause a distraction over there, then run for it. They'll have to go around the portal to get to us."
This was a terrible plan. But what other choice did they have?

Phil carefully crept through the crimson grass, a length of rope in his hands. He examined the small pile of red dust. Hopefully he'd have enough.
He tied the rope around a stem and gave the rope to Onyx, who took it in his mouth and started walking, pulling the flexible young stem back. Once it was far enough, Phil secured the rope.
He placed a small blade over the rope, secured it a redstone contraption, and made a line of the red dust back towards their starting point. It was an obvious trail, but that didn't matter.
Kilaki's warning ran through his head. You may not live to see the end. The end of what? All creation? Some war? Techno's life?
Onyx grunted. They were almost to their spot, and Phil was almost out of dust.
He pulled out a torch and sprinkled red dust over it. The torch dimmed, burning red. Phil dropped it onto the redstone trail and leaped onto Onyx's back.
Onyx darted to their spot and waited.

Across the forest, a loud crack rang out, and a plume of fungus and ash flew into the air. The wither knights spinned towards the sound and galloped off.
"Now, Onyx." Phil said, clutching handfuls of Techno's fur.
Techno galloped forwards, digging his hooves into the ground.
The distance to the portal closed. So close.
A massive wither knight stepped out from behind the portal. Well, his horse stepped out. They were both covered in golden-black armor, and the knight held a giant morningstar, Techno's least favorite weapon.
Techno skidded to a halt as the giant horse blocked his path.

"Death's Angel. I've been waiting for you."
"Who are you?" Phil responded, his hand on his sword hilt.
"Your antithesis. The one who will hunt you down. I am called Negative."
Philza wished Techno was here to make a quip, or make fun of Negative's name. Or to attack angrily. Anything.
"I will destroy you, Philza Minecraft."
Onyx roared at the wither knight, lifting it's head threateningly.
"Good luck." Philza said, patting the giant boar's neck. "No one's managed it yet."
The wither knight swung the morning star. Phil leaped from Onyx's back and drew his longsword, flaring his wings.
Onyx lunged, smashing into the horse. Negative rolled from it's back as it attacked Phil's hoglin, sharp hooves flashing. It screamed, a high, screeching sound. A twisted version of an overworld horse's whinny.
Onyx reared and bucked, hocking and gouging at the horse. It's tusks slashed through the air.
A morning star smashed down inches from Philza's foot. He lunged, his sword clanging against the chain.
The star swung through the air, forcing Phil back. He couldn't get close.
The star swung back and forth, hammering Phil's sword arm. The wither knight advanced.
A spike tore open Phil's arm, and he doubled his efforts.
"You can't beat me."
"Right, whatever, Negative. Who gave you that name anyway? Did they hate you or something?"
Negative snarled and grabbed Philza's sword blade. It cut into his bone hand but he didn't seem to care.
He ripped the sword from Philza's grasp and smashed him into the ground.
Spots swam in Phil's vision. I have to stay conscious. Stay awake. If I pass out I'm dead.
Negative flipped the sword, now holding it by the handle instead of the blade.
He lifted it above his head, and Phil stared up at his weapon, a loyal friend for centuries, now prepared to snuff his life out
"A good sword. I'll enjoy using it to destroy you."

Hooves slammed down on his back. Techno roared and stabbed his tusks into the horses belly. It had taken so many hits, how was it still alive?
It screamed, a hollow, unearthly sound, and spinned, kicking him in the chest. Sharp hooves with the strength of an elephant smashed into his chest. He tossed his head, throwing the horse aside.
He spotted Phil, weaponless on the ground. Negative stood over him, Philza's longsword in hand, ready to skewer his oldest friend.
The horse screeched and bit down on his nose. White hot pain stabbed into his head, arcing like lightning down his face. He roared in agony and lunged, no longer trying to defeat it. He needed to get to Phil.

The sword plunged down.

I know, I know. Cliffhangers suck. For you anyway. For me they're fun!
Suffer until tomorrow, my readers.

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