When I woke up, my head was hurting terribly and I was in a dark room. I was seated in a chair but apparently not tied to it. So I wriggled a bit to see if my wand was in my pockets, fortunately for me, it was.

All I need to do now is touch it and then I'll be able to do light the room up, if only it were that easy. Even tho I thought my hands weren't tied because I haven't felt any ropes around my wrists, they were tied with a spell.

Now what? I thought as I failed to move my arms. I would use my animagus but until I know in what type of room I'm in it's best not to.

"Ah so the princess has awoken.", a male voice chuckled. "No shit Sherlock.", I rolled my eyes. "Now turn on the fucking lights.", I ordered and the mysterious person obliged.

"Thank you.", even tho this guy basically kidnapped me, I still have some manners.

The room was actually an old classroom with a few desks and chairs, some equipment for potion making and a large stack of books. For an old classroom, it looked surprisingly clean.

"So what do you exactly have against me?", I looked Severus in the eyes. "Absolutely nothing, Lafenier. But if you could stay here for the next 10 minutes I would be most grateful.", he replied looking rather annoyed with something.

"Sure, untie me and I won't move a muscle.", I agreed to his strange request, mostly because I wanted to see what he was up to.

Prongs and the rest of the guys warned me about Severus 'Sniveluss' Snape. But I don't know why they dislike him so much, aside from him practising the dark arts in his spare time, he doesn't look too dangerous.

"You promise?", his eyes glistened like the ones of an eager child. "Royalty never breaks a promise, so yes I promise.", I confessed and tugged at the invisible restraints.

"Very well then, but I'll have to turn off the lights when I leave.", he swished his wand and I was able to move my arms and legs freely again. "Fine with me, Sev.", I never liked calling people by their name, no idea why I just didn't. And Snape didn't seem to mind at all, he gave me a half-smile, exited the classroom and turned off the lights while doing so.

What now? Why did he basically kidnap me only to put me in a classroom and request me to stay here for the next 10 minutes? I had so many questions but I feel like their gonna get answered soon.

What now? Why did he basically kidnap me only to put me in a classroom and request me to stay here for the next 10 minutes? I had so many questions but I feel like their gonna get answered soon

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The door opened again and the lights turned on. "Absolutely fucking not, no chance in hell. Snape I will murder you!!!", I didn't get to see who walked in but the angry tone told me all I needed to know.

After Bellatrix left the room, I did too going to find the Marauders to tell them what just happened.

I burst open the door of the Marauders dorm, "HEYO BITCHES!", I shouted plopling down on Pete's bed with my head on his lap. "What the actual fuck Nera?!", Sirius shouted, "You made Moony flinch and now my nails are ruined!!"

Peter rolled his eyes while running his hand thru my hair, "I'd say 'stop being so dramatic' but we all know that you'd die if you listened to me."

James sat there a little confused and then it dawned up on him, "Oh, because Sirius can't live without being dramatic. Smart one Wormy." I looked at Regulus who was sitting next to James resting his head on the older boys shoulder, "Yknow it's not too late to get a refund." James looked back and forth between me and Regulus, the amount of time it took Regulus to answer made him uneasy. "Not a chance. Hes a dumbass, my dumbass most importantly.", James let a sigh of relief hugging Reggie in a death grip.

"Okay enough with the cuteness, I'll throw you both out the window.", I said making a disgusted face. "Hey Nera, why did you burst in like that?", Moony asked giving Pads freshly painted nails a once over.

"Pretty sure Snape tried to set me up on a date with Trixie.", the Black brothers burst out laughing both falling off their beds. "And? How did it go?", Peter seemed pretty interested in this topic. "No idea honestly. She burst in the room, saw me and then stormed out while yelling how she'll kill Snape."

"Well she didnt do it.", Lily Evans entered the dorm. "Hey Lils, how's my future wife doing?" Even tho she was straight Lily and I loved joking about how we would date each other. "Great! Wait. Are you cheating on me with Peter? How dare you? What am I gonna tell the kids?" The marauders found mine and Lily's 'relationship' hilarious.

"Its not what it looks like!" I shot up from Peter's lap in a second and tried to walk towards Lily but I failed miserably and just fell down half way. Curse me for having low iron.

"We can sort this out. Name your price.", I grabbed her hands in mine firmly while looking her desperately in the eyes. "A piggy bank ride to every meal for a week.", she told me. "That all?", she nodded and we shook hands like we just signed a contract.

"Oi Nera! We got this for you!", Remus grabbed a piece of parchment and handed if to me. "My very own map?" "Yes, but better.", said James urging me to open it.

"I solemnly swear that I'm up to no good.", ink started to appear on the parchment. Instead of the usual 'Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the maruders map' another name has been added. "Messers Moony, Nera, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present the maruders map.", reading that tears started to show themselves. "You gays and Pete!!", I enveloped them all in a bone crushing hug. "She's adorable.", Remus said thinking I wouldnt hear him. "She'll bite your arm off if you say that one more time.", I glared at him while the rest of the group laughed.

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