Bellatrix P.O.V.

I slept terribly. It's all her fault. So what if she's a princess?

She can't have everything she wants in life. And with the way she acts once she sits on the throne as queen, France will be burned down.

She's so immature. And full of herself. Salazar, I think I hate her more than Sirius, and that's saying something.

Valentina's P.O.V.

I woke up feeling better and more rested than I have felt in a long time. The girls weren't awake yet and I decided not to bother them. Especially the oldest one, she's one of a kind. I have never met a person that took the whole 'pureblood supremacy' thing that seriously.

A change would be good for her. But now that's hardly possible. No matter, I have to give it a try.

I stretched a bit and went into the bathroom to take a refreshing shower.

As I was going to get out, the black-haired witch, just as I said still in the ballerina outfit, entered the bathroom. "Bloody hell, Black!! Knock next time for Salazar's sake!", I yelled disappearing behind the curtains. "I don't think I will, princess. Here.", she threw me a towel and I wrapped it around my nude form. "Next time cast a locking charm.", she splashed her face with some water while I was getting dressed.

When she brushed her teeth she stayed in the bathroom never facing me. "Well I'll see you in the Great Hall, Bellarina.", I exited the bathroom, grabbing my bag and wand I went downstairs to the Slytherin common room in hopes of finding Regulus there.

I did find him next to the fireplace with his nose stuck in a book, typical Regulus. "Hewo! What is it that you're reading?", I jumped next to him on the couch, causing him to throw his book in the air.

"Merlin Valentina, don't do that. I'm just reading the history of magic textbook, Binns isn't very helpful." when he said that I remembered something that didn't make sense to me.

"Reg, you're a year younger than me. How are we supposed to take the same classes?" He explained, "They transferred me a year up actually. So we are in the same year.", I nodded deciding to let him read his book in peace while I picked out a potions book.

"Alright we should head to the Great Hall for breakfast.", Regulus announced gathering his belongings, waiting for me to do the same so we could walk to breakfast together.

We came to the entrance the same time the Marauders did. "Morning!", I greeted them entering the Great Hall with them.

When Reg and I went towards the Slytherin table, Remus grumbled something that I tried to understand but failed. "He says 'See you later in class. Now I have to get my coffee.'", Remus nodded at Sirius's translation, while James and Peter laughed shortly being silenced by the animalistic growl leaving Remus's lips.

I ate and Regulus accompanied me to potions. We sat together until our potions professor, Slughorn, walked in.

"Today you will be brewing a potion in pairs. The potion is called Confusing Concoction. The pairs will be written on the board shortly.", Slughorn announced swishing his wand letting the chock write names on the board.

I searched for my name in hopes of seeing Regulus', Narcissa's or Andromada's name next to it. I banged my head against the desk when I found out who I'm paired with.

It's like she's everywhere I go. Fucking Bellatrix Black! "You grab the ingredients and I'll make the potion.", she ordered me moving all my stuff away to make room for the cauldron. I grabbed the potions book and went to find all the necessary ingredients. We agreed that every fifteen minutes we would switch. Once it was my turn I added the appropriate amount of lovage not knowing that my partner has already done that.

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