Chapter 1- Just Hikaru

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Now I've realised there's no point in trying to fit in with the trash because that's all you've ever known. Because even a spoiled egg will be delicious when all you've ever eaten is half-rotted bread.

So now, I laugh at their ignorance. I laugh at their stupidity. I laugh because there is nothing else I can do.

"Hey, Hinote-san, how long will it take for us to get to Suna?"

"I don't know, it depends. Why are you asking? It's not like you're in a rush to get anywhere else." He snickered, obviously very amused at himself.

I resisted the urge to smack him, we were in public and I didn't want these demons to think I was anything less than them, "I just want to know how long to pack for."

"A month, maybe?"


"Just to be safe, just to be safe!" He patted my head, making me feel small. "You never know what could happen. It's always best to be over-prepared than underprepared."

I paused, considering what he had said. "Yeah. Yeah, of course, that makes so much sense. I have to always be prepared..."

Hinote and I share no blood. Not a single drop.

Yet he has treated me like family. At least, I think?

I don't know, I have nothing to compare it to.

Arriving home, we took off our dirty shoes, replacing them with new ones. He immediately disappeared, leaving no trace, as if he was never there. It was like he was never there, but at the same time he's everywhere and it's so very annoying.

I went up to my room and flopped onto the laid out futon, face down.

This wasn't enough.

This boring, plain, life wasn't enough.

I need more. I needed a bigger thrill. I wanted to learn more about the world, I wanted to learn more about virtually everything because this can't be what life is, right?

I wanted to travel all over, eat all kinds of food, meet new people, fight new people, I just... want to do more than just this.

I'm young, I know, but I couldn't bear waiting a few years to explore the world on my own. I don't think I could take it.

But how was I supposed to explain that to him?

He's done so much for me. He raised me, starting when he was barely 17 years old. I took his life away from him. He gave everything up to raise a child that wasn't even his own, to raise a child that had no relationship to him, yet here I am.

Here I am wanting to run away from all that, run away from all's he's done to me.

Yet, I don't care.


"That's because everyone here is stupid!" I retaliated, "People just blab on and on about peace, what hypocrites."

He burst out into laughter, "That's true, that's true. I still think you should go back to school, you know. You might make a friend."

"Why would I want to be friends with an insect?"

He popped his head into my room, throwing a scroll at me. "Isn't it boring with nothing to do?"

I groaned and lifted my head, "Aren't you unemployed?"

He snorted and let out a hearty laugh as if I was an ignorant child who didn't know what she was saying, and that annoyed me. "Yeah, yeah. You still have work you have to do."

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