Start from the beginning

"I'll get going now. My regards to everyone." I rose up from the couch.

"Won't you say hi to Babaji and Umma?" She asked, and I shook my head.

"I don't think I can face them, honestly."

"It's okay; I understand. Goodbye." She smiled.

"Thanks again. Bye."


"Asmau, honestly, I don't understand you right now, but this is the most stupid decision you've ever made in your entire life," Ibty said through the phone, and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't blame you guys. You all will never understand me. You, Ya Aminah, and anyone who blames me for leaving. I'm sure if you were in my shoes, you would have done the same," I defended.

"No, Best friend! You're mistaking because I will never ever do this stupid thing you're currently doing right now. How can you leave your husband and kids just because of some stupid arguments that you can sort out?!" She snapped, raising her voice.

"It is not only because of the arguments, Ibteesam," I sniffed.

"It doesn't matter, Asmau. Wallahi, no matter what your reason was, you should have never left the poor guy. He called me, begging to please help me find you and also apologize on his behalf. Asmau, you really should stop this foolishness, wallahi, and come back home. What kind of a thing is this? I really expected better from you."

"You know what, Ibteesam! I'm tired of explaining myself to each and everyone, and if you don't understand me, then leave me alone. I never asked for your advice, so leave me alone! And Goodbye!" I hissed and hang up.

I don't get why they all refuse to understand me. Yesterday I called Ya Aminah to talk and explain things to her, but we ended up in a heated argument, and as my sister, I expected her to understand me and not judge me.

A knock came from the door. "Come in!" I yelled.

"Aunt, my mother is looking for you," Adda's other 8-year-old daughter announced.

"Okay dear, tell her I'll be there in a minute," I replied, and she nodded then left.

I have been planning on calling Safeeya since yesterday, but I just couldn't. I'm afraid Abubakar might be there, and I don't want that. I'm not ready to face or talk to him, and that's one of the reasons I changed my sim.

I immediately went to my contacts list and dialed Safeeya's number. I'm sure she's mad at me, but I have to do this. I have to be sure they're all alright.

"Hello," She said immediately she picked up.

"Hello Safeeyah."

"Mummy?" She asked, and I could detect a hint of surprise in her voice.

"Yes, Feeyah, how have you been?" I asked as I started feeling the urge to cry.

"I'm fine, Mummy. Where are you? Why did you leave? When will you return? Mummy, we miss you so much."

"I miss you too, my love, and I don't really know when I'm returning. Are you mad at me?" I asked.

"No, Mummy, I'm not, but please come back home." She pleaded.

"Oh dear," I let out a sigh. "Just please take care of your siblings. I trust you, Feeyah."

"I will, Mummy, don't worry."

"Where's your Dad?" I asked.

"He went out, and Mummy, since you left, he has been doing everything in his power to look for you. He doesn't even eat now; he's so worried about you, and he refuses to even go to work." My heart suddenly ached.

"I'm really sorry, Feeyah. Just please don't tell him I called you and we talked. I just really need time to think things through. I hope you understand."

"Okay, I won't tell him, Mummy."

"Thank you, dear. I need to go now."

"Okay, Bye, Mummy, we love you."

"I love you too, sweetheart," I said and hang up.


"Adda, you asked for me?" I asked, stepping into the sitting room. She was engrossed in a conversation with Fahad and her sister-in-law, her husband's sister who lives in the house.

"Yes, Asmau, I did. I just thought you might want to go visit some places here in Katsina since you didn't step out of this house since you came. Fahad can take you, the three of you: you, Fahad, and Zainab." She explained.

"Ooh, Adda, that will be nice, sure," I smiled.

"Great! Then it's settled. Go get ready, and you can head out with Fahad and Zainab," Adda suggested.

2 hours later

"So, how was the tour?" Adda asked immediately we returned. I poured myself a glass of water and settled on the couch close to her.

"It was good, Adda. I love Katsina; it's very big and beautiful," I commented, with a smile.

"I'm glad you love it."

"Adda, I have decided something."

"What?" She asked eagerly.

"I want to start working," I announced.

"Really? But where?" She asked with excitement.

"I don't know yet, to be honest, but I'm going to search for an organization."

"What did you even study?" She asked.

"Accounting," Fahad replied even before me.

"Okay, Fahad, what about Uncle Moh's company? Asmau can work there. Gashi, it's a prestigious company."

"Well, the thing is, his son handles the company now, so I'm not sure." Fahad seemed hesitant.

"But you can do something about it, talk to the son or talk to Uncle Moh."

I interrupted, "Please, you don't need to do all this. I can find a job in a different company, Adda, don't make th--"

"Come on, Asmau, it's nothing. Besides, I love how determined you are, so don't worry," Adda said.

"Well, thank you, Adda. I appreciate it." I smiled, in appreciation.


It was 11:30 pm, and exhaustion was settling in. After bidding everyone a good night, I made my way to my room. First, I went to the bathroom to perform ablution. Then, I returned to my room, preparing for a good night's rest. I reached for my phone on the nightstand.

As I picked it up, I noticed two missed calls from an unknown number. Curiosity got the better of me, and I contemplated calling back. Just then, the phone rang again. I took a deep breath and answered.

"Hello," I said, my voice trembling.

"Asmau." My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voice instantly. It was Abubakar.

"Hayatie," he continued, his voice filled with desperation. "I know you're listening to me. Please, my love, forgive me and come back home. I'm truly, deeply sorry for everything. If you want, I'll apologize a million times. Just please, let's talk it out, Asmau. Don't do this to--"

I couldn't bear to hear any more. Tears welled up in my eyes, and I quickly cut the call. With a heavy heart, I blocked the number he had called from. I'm sorry, Abubakar. I just can't.

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