SA: 2

450 19 1

I was just finishing up my clients hair when my phone started to ring. I grabbed my phone and seen that it was my kids daycare, causing my heart to beat faster. For as long as my kids have been going to their daycare they've never called me, which had me thinking something was wrong so I answered immediately. My client passed me two-hundred and sixty dollars and I shot her a smile before she walked out.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Sky, I don't mean to be a bother but it's three-thirty and I know you and Mr. Abadi have a specific time for the kids to be picked up but, they're still here" scrunching up my face I walked to my office and closed the door behind me. Feeling my blood boil I closed my eyes shut and took a deep breath so I wouldn't yell at the lady.

"U-Um I'm on my way I'm sorry about that I got caught up with a client I'll be there in the next fifteen minutes" I shuffled through my office, grabbing my belongings before I stormed out of my office. "Miracle, lock up before you leave" I left out the front door and unlocked the doors to my truck.

"It's okay I'm in no rush just get here when you can" I thanked her and hung up the phone. I clicked on ice's contact name and waited for him to answer but it went straight to voicemail. Nodding my head up and down I chuckled, stopping at a red light. What could he possibly be doing that would make him an hour and thirty minutes late picking up our kids. He wasn't even answering his phone. I was beyond pissed.

"Stupid ass nigga" I slammed my door and made my way to the front of the daycare, clicking the buzzer. When the door popped open I walked in and greeted the people in the front office.

"Zion and Skylar?" They woman asked, sending me a friendly smile and I nodded my head. "They'll be out in a bit" I sat in a near-by chair and put my hand on my forehead, sighing. I tried calling him again just in case but he still wasn't answering his phone. Jesus give me the strength. I said to myself.

"Mommy!" I heard both of them yell as they ran to me with their book bags, swinging on their backs. Skylar jumped into my arms and Zion hugged my legs really tight. "Where's daddy?" Skylar asked curiously with her arms wrapped around my neck. I grabbed Zion's hand and thanked them once more before walking out of the building.

"Daddy's at work" I unlocked the doors and put Skylar in the backseat, buckling her up. I picked up Zion and laughed when he gave me a kiss on the lips.

"But daddy always picks us up" I passed Zion his cup that was filled with water and gave Skylar her tablet so she could be occupied with something. "That's not like daddy" she said more to herself, causing me to laugh a little. She was very smart a little too smart for her own good.

"Be quiet, Sky" Zion huffed. I guess he was tired of hearing her talk.

"You be quiet!" She fussed back as I backed out of the parking lot, leaving the area. I heard a loud slap and quickly looked in the rear-view mirror to see Zion holding his cheek. He looked at Skylar and his little hand went across her face so hard. I was shocked.

"Hey! Y'all better stop before y'all get y'all ass whooped" I rarely cursed around my children and I didn't beat them but, that wouldn't stop me from threatening them. "The hell wrong with y'all" I mumbled, pulling up to ice's job to see what was going on.

"He started it" Skylar whined, putting her thumb in her mouth that was something she'd been doing since she was one we tried getting her to stop however, it didn't work.

"You hit him first" I looked at Zion who was now on his tablet not even fazed by what had just happened. "I'll be back don't let nobody take y'all" I took the keys out of the ignition and rolled down the windows. I made my way to his office and opened the door, seeing nobody in there. Walking around the back I went to where Malik was, which is someone he worked with.

"Malik" I called out and he looked up, licking his lips. He stood at 6'3 and he was dark-skinned with a fair share of tattoos. His shirt was un-buttoned, making it possible for me to see his stomach that was coated in sweat. He had facial hair that he kept up with. Malik knew I was ice's girlfriend and somehow it never stopped him from trying to flirt with me.

"Let me handle this real quick" he spoke to someone, draping the towel around his neck. He walked up to me and I shifted my weight onto my left leg crossing my arms over my chest. "Wassup" he looked me up and down.

"Where's Ice" Malik smiled at her, shaking his head. He thought Amora was beautiful as hell and he wanted her. Him and ice weren't friends he just worked for him so he felt like he didn't owe him any loyalty.

"Ion know he hasn't been here all day" Malik shrugged his shoulders, answering truthfully. I sighed and thanked him, turning around to walk away I didn't get far being that he grabbed my hand. I took my hand from his grasp with a raised eyebrow. "Let me take you out" I chuckled.

"You can't be serious right now" I looked at him, unbelievably. "Why do you constantly try to get with me knowing I have a man and that man is your boss" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Seeing as though you don't know where your man is it got me thinking and it ain't shit to take a leap of faith when gold standing right in front of you" he licked his lips.

"Look, your a handsome man but it'll never happen" I turned around and walked away from him. Malik slapped the towel in his hand, watching her leave before walking away himself.

"Mommy who is that man and why does he look at you like he wants to eat you" Skylar said in a disgusted tone.

"I don't know baby put your seatbelt back on" she sat back and did as I said. I didn't know what was going on but Ezekiel had a lot of explaining to do. I wasn't that mad before now I was mad for real, finding out he hasn't been to work at all today and he didn't pick up our kids. Something was going on and I was going to find out. He better hope for his sake it's nothing crazy.

Sincerely, Amoraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن