Chapter IV

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My arms and legs hurt. I have a sunburn.

Camping sucks. So does falling off a jetski.

In other news, here's the next chapter!

I don't own Percy Jackson or Young Justice.

Roy and Percy walked out of the room 30 minutes later. Both of them had red rimed eyes, barely noticable.

The team had been sent to the living room and ordered to stay there by Batman. Meanwhile, the Bat himself stayed behind, outside the room, along with Kaldur.

When asked about the situation, Kaldur answered simply. "It is not my place to tell."

As soon as the couple walked into them, Batman spoke. "Explain."

Roy glared at him while the girl stood behind him, fiddling with a pen. "Can we not do this right now? I can come back tomorrow." The archer sent a pointed look to the girl, pointing out the state she was in.

Bruce felt bad, but he needed to know who the girl was and make sure she wasn't a danger. "No."

Roy sighed expecting this already. He looked at Kaldur, the Atlantian taking the hint of distracting Percy.

He stepped back into the interrogation room, Batman in tow. "Fine, you want to know who she is? She's my girlfriend, she's a meta, and she's been missing for almost a year. Now, I'm going to take her home to her mom, and I'll bring her back tomorrow to explain better." He had a defiant look in his eyes.

Bruce simply raised and eyebrow underneath the cowl, impressed. He nodded his head.

The redhead's eyes widened, not having expected that to work. After a few seconds, he muttered a "Thanks." and walked out of the room.

Outside, he grabbed Percy's arm, giving her a look. He quietly asked if she was okay. The girl simply nodded without speaking.

Roy turned to Kaldur and they shared a look. Percy was hardly ever quiet. The only times she wasn't running her mouth was when there was danger.

Kaldur tilted his head slightly towards the zeta beams, indicating that it was best to leave. Roy nodded his agreement and began to lead Percy down one of the many halls of the mountain. Kaldur trailed behind the couple, silently trying to access Percy.

The trio reached the common room, or what was considered living room, of the base. Stood there were Robin, Kid Flash, Artemis, Superboy, and Miss Martian. Roy would bet the bow and quiver his dad had given him that Batman was currently looking through the footage of the room Roy and Percy had been in.

He wouldn't find much, seeing as the majority of the thirty minutes were spent with Percy having a breakdown, and Roy not really knowing what to do.

As soon as the team caught sight of them, they began to approach. They started asking questions at once, their voices becoming one incoherent word jumble. Roy grimaced.

He took a small step in front of Percy subconsciously, creating a barrier between her and the team. Kaldur took a step forward as well, standing shoulder to shoulder with him.

To the team, it seemed as though they were trying to hide or protect her. In actuality, Roy and Kaldur knew the girl would hate the thought of people seeing her after she had cried. Red rimmed eyes and a runny nose usually indicated weakness, something Percy hated showing.

Seeing the seemingly protective movement the two males had taken, the team paused their questions. Then Wally spoke up. "Uh, Roy, what's going on?"

"Nothing." Roy snapped back, wincing at the tone of his own voice. He felt even worse when he saw Wally flinch.

Artemis walked up to the two and spoke. "So you're not gonna explain? Because I think we deserve an explanation."

"No, you don't." Was Roy's curt response.

"I think we d-" Conner was cut off by Kaldur.

"This is not the time to ask questions. And this does not involve any of you, so it would be best if you didn't ask them."

At this, most of the team seemed to back down a bit, except for one.

Artemis turned to look at him from where she and Roy were having a stare down. "Really? Because Batman walked into our base, with a meta who wouldn't answer our questions. Then suddenly he comes in." She points a finger at Roy.

"You guys start speaking in another language. Start crying. And now Batman is letting her go?! I think we deserve a better explanation than 'nothing'."

Roy grit his teeth and spoke before Kaldur could respond. "This has to do with my personal life. One which involves only three people in this room currently. Me, her-" He points at the girl behind him. "-and Kaldur, who will receive an explanation."

"Well, her being in our base affects us!" Artemis raised her voice.

"You like to keep your personal life private too, Artemis. You don't speak about your family."

Her eyes widened. "How-"

Roy let out an amused huff. "What? Didn't know I ran into your sister a while back? In fact, Kaldur did too."

Kaldur turned too look at him, raising a questioning brow.

"Cheshire." Roy explained in Ancient Greek.

"Ah." The Atlantian turned to look at the blonde. "I guess I have." The two boys had run into her while following a lead on Percy. He was pretty sure that Roy had run into her before that though.

Artemis went pale. "Now." Roy spoke again. "We know you don't like speaking about your private life, and we don't press or share. Wouldn't it be polite to return the sentiment? Or would you prefer me to speak about it? Because it would be a pleasure."

The blonde girl narrowed her eyes. "You wouldn't."

"Oh, believe me, I wou-" Roy was cut off.

"Roy." It was quiet and a bit raspy. Everyone in the room turned to look at the person who spoke.

"Let's go." The girl said. It was firm, with no room for argument.

The team was surprised to see the red archer agree instead of push back.

The trio walked out of the room much like they had walked in. Roy holding on to the girl's arm, leading her away. Kaldur trailed behind them.

Reaching the zeta beams, the Atlantian began to type something into the computer.

"Stay out of it." And with a final glare, Roy and the girl were gone.

Kaldur turned back to the five members who had followed them. "I am sorry about this. But you understand it doesn't involve you. It would be best if you left it all alone."

And with that, he was gone as well. When the team checked their drop off location, they saw 'Star City' in black letters on the screen.

I feel like I need to address how Percy acted in this chapter. I was not, by any means, trying to make her seem weak. She was like that because she had a breakdown trying to explain to Roy everything that happened, which is something she would rather not do.

Sorry if I made it seem like she was weak or hiding or anything.

Anyways, I said it in my other story but I don't think I said it in this one so...

Happy Pride Month!

Stay whelmed cupcakes -j.d

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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