TWENTY-SEVEN |END, is just the new beginning|

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Third POV

15 years later.....

"James give me back my phone!" Lilly yelled chasing her little brother.

"You have to catch me first!" James grins as he ran through the house.

Lilly was hanji and Levis first born and was born a werewolf like her little brother James.

James climbs up the shelves and is put of Lilly's reach.

"!" Lilly said angrily.

James just smiles "oh yeah? What makes you think I'm willing to give you it back"

"Don't make me transform....." She frowns.

James grins "I'm only 1 year younger I can take you!"

He jumps down and he transforms into a werewolf along with Lilly.

"Mom's going to be mad...." Samson said on the couch watching the whole thing go down.

"SHUT UP SAMSON!" Lilly and James said together at their younger brother.

Samson just shrugs....."don't say I told ya so"

Samson was the youngest in the family being 10 years old and was born without werewolf powers and was spoiled by hanji and Lilly and James's point of view....

Before James could react Lilly punched him in the face knocking him back into the shelf making everything fall out.

"Oops...." James said then Lilly landed another hit by kicking him in the stomach and throwing him to the couch.

"AH" Samson jumped off the couch out of the way as James crashed into the couch.

"Hey! Watch where your fighting!"

Lilly frowns "oh I'm sorry....I meant to hit you"

Samson sticks his tounge out at lilly and ran off.

Lilly walked up to an injured James and sighed.

"Phone please"

James sat up rubbing his head "oh about that....." He showed a broken phone....

"When you threw me I crashed onto it....."

Lilly felt one of her vain pop....


5 minutes later.....

Levi stood in front of both Lilly and James as they sat in chairs.....James had bruises on his face while Lilly looked at the ground full of rage.

"Now....I'm going to ask one more time....what the fuck happend while I was gone....."

They both didn't say anything and stayed quiet....

Levi sighs "I know something happened because our living room is a complete wreck and we need a new phone for Lilly....."

"I told you a million times dad, I was looking for something behind the shelf and I accidentally pushed it forward too much and it fell and broke with my phone under it" Lilly explained.

Levi frowned then looked at James "and the couch?"

James speaks up this time "I um jumped on the couch with Samson and we accidentally caused it to fall backwards"

Levi nods "hmm......are you both lying to me....."

Lilly and James both shake their heads "of course not! We both know to not lie to you or mom!"

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now