EIGHTEEN |brats|

478 14 18

Levis POV

After having a wonderful night with hanji I had to go back to the cabin to make sure the brats didn't destroy anything.

When I got back I was overloaded with questions.

"Levi why did you spend the night at hanjis without us!?"

"What did you do there?"

"Why didn't you tell us?"

They kept asking questions and it started to annoy me.

"Oi shut up brats!" I yelled silencing them.

"I stayed the night there because I fell asleep watching her marvel marathon with her, happy now?" I said annoyed.

Everyone nods besides Connie.

"As much as I want to believe him I think hes lying" Connie said crossing his arms.

Everyone looked at him like he was crazy.

Then Mikasa sighed "for once I actually agree with him"

"Whaatttttt!?" Everyone said surprised, I expected this from Connie but not Mikasa.

"What are you brats trying to say" I said annoyed.

Mikasa walks up to me "I've noticed a really strong sense of her coming off you"

I glared at her she was onto me but I know what I'm doing.

"She was sitting next to me hugging me while we watched"

She shakes her head "that's not what it smells like to me"

Everyone stayed quiet and watched me and Mikasa give eachother cold glares.

"Well its the truth"

She crosses her arms "is it though? Because this scent is much more stronger then it was yesterday when she hugged you the whole time we played board games so Levi there is something you aren't telling us"

This brat.....

"I told you everything we did it seems you are over thinking things"

"Everyone grab him"

Before I could react Eren and Armin transformed into werewolves and pinned on the wall both holding my arms.

Connie, jean, historia and Sasha stood in front of me preparing to transform just in case I did.

"The hell are you doing Mikasa!" I growled in frustration.

She walks up to me and smells my neck like a complete weirdo.

"You did something with her last night Levi I can smell her on you neck"

She looked at me annoyed and I just glared at her.

"WAIT!" Connie yelled realizing something then smirked.

"I think Levi did it with hanji! that's why her aroma is all over him and is why it's a very strong sense"

Mikasa smiles "you are actually right Connie"

Everyone now looked at me and Eren and armin let go of me and looked at me as well.

"Fuck you Mikasa...." Just as I said that everyone gasped and was shocked.

"He didn't deny it!" Sasha yelled.

Mikasa nods as she knew the whole time.

Then something clicked....how did she notice the smell and not anyone else.... She had a good sense of smell but she found it so fast....unless....

"Mikasa how did you know that smell"

"Easy because I recognized-" she stopped herself.

I lifted an eyebrow "Mikasa...."

Eren and Armin returned to there human form as historia gave them both clothing.

"I don't know what you are talking about" she said flustered.

"WHO DID IT WITH MIKASA!" Connie yelled and started dying Laughing.

Mikasa fell to the ground in embarrassment "damn it...."

"Wow what's up with the Ackermans doing the dirty!" Connie said as he continued Laughing.

I looked at jean who looked like his soul has left his body. Then I turned to Eren who was smiling nervously.

"Eren I'm going to kill you!" Jean yelled tackling Eren.

I sighed I was only home for atleast 10 minutes and everything already went to hell.

I kicked Eren and Jean in the stomachs causing them to stop fighting.

"All of you start cleaning I want this cabin spotless before sundown" I said annoyed.

Everyone groaned and started cleaning up. We weren't going to talk about this ever again....

After everyone cleaned up the whole cabin I went and inspected every room making sure it was spotless. When they finished they all relaxed in the living room.

I saw Eren talking with Armin and Mikasa.....I sighed then grabbed Eren by the collar.

"H-hey! Where are you taking me!" He said as I kept dragging him on the ground.

I opened the front door and threw him outside and walked out, walking to my tree stump.

"What did I do-"

I cut him off "sit"

I pointed to the opposite trunk in front of me.

He sat down and frowned at me.

I sigh "do you love Mikasa"


"Answer the damn question Yeager before I beat the living shit out of you"

He sighs then looks down "yeah....so what!"

I sigh "you better take good care of her Yeager"

"Huh? I know that"

I glare at him "if you even dare hurting her I'll murder you where you stand"

He flinches "y-yes sir"

I nod "good, because she deserves a good love interest and you better treat her with damn respect"

"I will sir"

"Good now get out of my sight before I change my mind for allowing this" I said annoyed.

He nods then runs off back inside the cabin.

I sigh and look at the stars above me....

"What a beautiful night...."

I sat up and started walking to my secret spot.... tonight was a beautiful night to enjoy the stars....

Mystery persons POV....

"Sir good news we have locations on the werewolf and woman" my assistant said.

I nod "good...."

"Another thing sir they will be meeting up Friday afternoon at 5 to go to a cafe, should we make our move then?"

"Yes, that would be splendid"

She nods then walks away. I sigh and take another huff of my cigarette before blowing out the smoke.

I chuckle "isnt this just wonderful...."

I look out to the city and admired it's bueaty....

"Well these humans will now learn what it's like to be the weak ones...."

I sighed then dropped my cigarette on the ground putting it out with my foot.

"We will see eachother soon once again.....


(A/N, suspense.....oooooooooooooo, who do you guys think is the mystery person?)

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now