TWO |getting to know her|

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Levis POV

I woke up to a scream from the guest room. Jesus it's too early.....

I hear one of the brats scream as well and runs past my room....the hell.....I see her door unlocked THEY STOLE MY DAMN KEY BASTARDS.

I run to her room to see her in the corner of the room holding a bat.....

"Stay back!" She said angrily.

I sighed "put the damn bat down"

She shook her head as I walked up to her, she then swung the bat at me and I caught it.....

She looked at me scared and gave a weak smile "ehhh sorry... please don't hurt me"

I rolled my eyes "just get up and follow me".

I took the bat from her grasp and held onto it as she followed me, I lead her into the living room to see some of the brats awake.

I saw the Armin hiding behind Mikasa and saw jean fighting with sasha because she was trying to eat his breakfast.

They all looked at me worried "morning Levi" jean said nervously.

I sighed and looked behind me to see hanji scared.

"Don't worry they don't eat humans either" I said calming her down.

I looked at the group and they flinched "ok who the hell went into the guest room...."

I saw Armin hiding more behind Mikasa "Armin...."

He squeeked "y-yes Levi...."

"Did you take my key and go in the room?"

He nodded "yes BUT I was only going in there because my lucky sea shell was in their and I accidentally woke her up and she screamed scarring me...." He confessed.

I sighed "go clean the bathroom and your forgiven"

He nodded and ran to the bathroom.

"Oi Mikasa get everyone up so y'all can properly meet this woman" I said angrily signaling hanji to follow.

We both walked outside and I sighed "sorry about them they are annoying sometimes".

She giggled "it's fine um Levi correct?"

I nodded "what about you, you have a name?"

She nodded "names hanji Zoe".

I tched and turned to her "after breakfast I'll take you home understood".

She nodded "ok let's go these brats better be up" I said Walking by her.

She followed and we sat in the living room and everyone was up.

"Ok brats I want you to meet hanji Zoe" I announced showing them her.

They smiled "nice to meet you" they all said.

She smiled "nice to meet y'all too um"

Eren went first "I'm Eren Jaeger"

"I'm Mikasa Ackerman"

"I'm Armin Arlert"

"I'm Jean Kirstein"

"I'm Connie Springer"

"I'm Sasha braus"

"And I'm historia Reiss"

They all Introduced themselves and I just left to go make some breakfast.

I let them talk to eachother to let them get to know her while I knew dip shit....I made my black tea and finished the bread.

The first to come here as always was Sasha she smelled the food a mile away.

We all sat at the table and ate I heard their conversations with hanji.

"So hanji what do you study since your a scientist" Eren asked excitedly.

So she's a scientist....

Hanji smiled "well it's pretty convienent but Ive been studying your kind, werewolves to be precise....your kind fascinates me....I love to learn more about y'all..."

"What do you know so far about us?" Armin asked curiously.

"Not much... werewolves aren't easily the best to study but I do know something and that's, well most of your kind feeds on human flesh and your sense of smell and hearing is amazing so it's hard for us to get close to y'all without being noticed....." Hanji looked down.

"What's wrong?" Eren asked.

"Well I was sent into these woods with my another scientist by our bosses because we haven't been getting far on our study's and the bosses don't really understand....but the other scientist was attacked....she was attacked by werewolves...I found some of her corpse in the woods....I tried to escape but soon was chase down by werewolves.... honestly all I could think about was not dying.....what a scientist I am...."

"Then what happened?" Connie said nervous.

"Well I thought I was going to die for sure until I ran into your boss, Levi he saved me and brought me here" she explained.

Everyone looked at me and I tched "it was your fault for running into me but whatever...."

She giggled and everyone laughed.

"So what are you going to do now hanji?" Historia asked.

"Well I'm planning on going back home to rest but honestly right now I'm intrigued....I've never met werewolves that don't eat humans...." She said smiling.

"We all thank Levi....he took us in when our families abandoned us....he raised us to not eat humans...and we soon adapted to other animal food like pig, deer, and bunny, and sometimes birds....we also eat wheat food since we started growing crops" Eren explained.

Hanji was beaming with excitement "no way!, That's so Interesting I've never heard that before!"

Everyone smiled then I ruined the moment....

"Oi four can't tell anyone about us....not even your scientist friends...."

"Eh why?"

"Think about it... werewolves that don't eat humans?....if I was a human I would capture one and experiment on it am I correct?"

Hanji stayed quiet and nodded "you have a point there....well ok then I won't say anything about you BUT you promise to let me come see you specifically so I can atleast take notes about you and everything you do"

I glared at her "what are you going to do with those notes?"

"Keep then to myself I won't tell anyone about them or let anyone see I promise" she said smiling.

I still glared at her and sighed "fine....but why me specifically?"

"Because like Eren said you were the ones that raised them I want to know more about you Levi, you spark my interest!"

I sighed "tch fine whatever just don't use anything on me that will make me loose my hair or make me grow an extra body part"

She smiled and nodded "deal" I shook her hand and we both sealed the deal....

(A/N, so what do y'all think so far is it good?)

the man in the woods {LeviHan}Where stories live. Discover now