Part 3

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The campers woke up to someone calling their names and Darius lifted his head to up to Grimlock, Amber, Kevin, Zach, Gray, and Toro looking for them up above in the tree line. "We're down here!" Sammy calls out to them but they don't hear her, that is until Smaug roars in their direction. He then slid into the water and began to push the boat towards the beach, Toro ran up towards them followed by Amber, Kevin, Grimlock, Zach, and Gray. "What did you find?" Kevin asked them after they got into the sand "Fireworks, canned food, fire crackers, and cables." Darius said to Kevin who just nodded "Is there actually any point of this?" Toro asked Darius while looking at the yacht "What do you mean by that Toro?" Darius asked him and Toro stated "We aren't leaving the island any time soon, or at all really. Besides there would be no way for all of us to fit on the boat." Darius glanced over to Smaug needing an explanation on why they needed the boat. "I just thought we needed supplies, besides there's something strange going on there. Peaceful herbivores are acting aggressive and more dinosaurs are showing up." Toro looked at Smaug confused "Species, as in plural?" Toro asked and Smaug nodded and stated "Elasmosaurus and Ouranosaurus. I killed the Elasmosaurus after it went after the campers and I had a roaring match with a herd of Ouranosaurus." Kevin meanwhile said to Kenji and Sammy "The monorail works, however the bloody thing attracts Pteranodon like crazy. We were fighting the pests off for hours." Kenji then thought for a moment then said "It's simple then, we don't go near the Monorail and we should be fine." Kevin facepalmed in annoyance and muttered a curse word under his breath. After looting the yacht the campers then began to head back to camp but they then were forced to stop when they came to the destroyed part of the Monorail track "What caused this? Definitely wasn't Alice, I hope." Ben said a little bit fearful and he hid behind Kenji while Brooklynn glanced at the destroyed track while supporting Yasmina. "No, it was destroyed by the elements, no dinosaur did this." Toro said reassuring them as they continued. But soon they came across a monorail, a whole Monorail that seemed to be lightly damaged "It's getting dark." Kevin said noticing the sun going down "I guess we should rest here?" Kenji suggested and then continued "It's better then sleeping in a tree." Darius nodded in agreement and he rubs the back of his head were a bump was after he had hit his head after he fell out of a tree.

When they entered the Monorail Yasmina sat down in one of the plastic blue chairs "This thing is extremely uncomfortable." Yaz stated while lying on her back across two chairs. Ben kicked at the back of one of the chairs and it broke off and he sighed "They really did have cheap things here, so much for being the greatest theme park in the world." Darius sat down on the floor while Kenji lied on the ground his arms and legs sprawled out on the floor "I'll take night watch." Yasmina said and the others nodded understanding, one by one they fell asleep. Kenji went out like a light snoring loudly, Kenji was then followed by Ben who leaned up against a chair and fell asleep snoring lightly, Sammy rested across a pair of the plastic blue chairs and she was also snoring lightly, Brooklynn then began to softly sing herself to sleep, Darius fell asleep listening to Brooklynn's singing. Kevin meanwhile sat in a tree leaning against the trunk while sitting on a sturdy branch with his right arm resting on his right knee, he listened to the sounds of the Nublar jungle and he glanced over at the Monorail which lied on the ground abandoned. However Kevin's attention was brought to the shaking trees and his eyes widened when he saw a herd of Brachiosaurus which were startled by something and Kevin leaped down from the tree and he ran towards the Monorail and he kicked down the window waking the campers from their sleep "Kevin is something wrong?" Darius asked and Kevin shouter "Sauropod stampede! we have to go now!" Kenji picked up Yaz giving her a piggyback ride and they took off running from the Brachiosaurus as they ran Darius noticed a ditch and he called out "Head into the ditch!" They then ran into the ditch as the sauropods ran past. However a large carnivore skidded to a halt and it looked at them "What is that?" Kenji asked and Darius looked at its attributes "Sail, three claws, two crests. That's an Acrocanthosaurus." Kenji and the others looked at him confused that is until the carnivore sneaked up towards them and snapped it's jaws at them trying to reach them. Brooklynn let out a terrified shriek as the Acrocanthosaurus snapped and roared at them, they backed up against the the back end of the ditch until their backs were touching the rocks, the only thing keeping the Acrocanthosaurus from getting to them was a fallen log.

However the Acrocanthosaurus was knocked away by Requiem who roared at it and the Acrocanthosaurus roared back the two charged each other and Requiem clamped his jaws on the Acrocanthosaurus' thigh while the Acro retaliated by bitting Requiem on the neck making him let go. Requiem then clawed the Acrocanthosaurus on the face and then slammed his tail into its face. The Acrocanthosaurus staggered backwards and then charged Requiem ramming time and also knocking him over and Requiem then pushed it backwards and then roared in anger at the Acrocanthosaurus as it fled. Requiem then huffed as he turned around to the ditch and he said "Come on out, it's gone." The campers then cautiously walked out of the ditch "I found a place we can go to rest. Follow me." Requiem said and he motioned for them to follow and they headed off.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 4: reclaimant (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now