Thor kidnaps Loki

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They were flying on the way back to the Helicarrier.

Fury (on radio): Is he saying anything?

Natasha: Not a word.

Fury: Just get him here. We're low on time.

Steve: I don't like it.

Tony: What, Rock of Ages giving up so easily?

Steve: I don't remember it being that easy. This guy packs a wallop.

Wade: He does have a point. Villains run away. Unless, he wanted us to capture him.

Tony: Still, you guys are pretty spry for an older fellow and an immortal. What's your thing, Pilates?

Steve: What?

Tony: It's like calisthenics. You might've missed a couple of things doing time as a Capsicle.

Steve: Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in.

Tony: Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell. Like the fact he called in the Ghost Rider, Venom, and Deadpool.

A storm began to brew.

Natasha: Where's this coming from?

Loki looked nervous.

Steve: What's the matter? Scared of a little lightning?

Loki: I'm not overly fond of what follows.

All of a sudden, there was a crash on the roof. Tony put his helmet on and opened the door. Wade prepared for battle.

Steve: What are you doing?

Wade: Getting ready to fight whatever creep dared to crash on our roof.

All of a sudden, a man with blond hair and battle armor appeared.

Tony was about to fire, but he hammered to the ground. Then the man took Loki and flew out.

Tony: And now there's that guy.

Wade: Who was that? Why'd he take Loki.

Natasha: Another Asgardian? He's Thor. Loki's brother.

Steve: That guy's a friendly.

Wade: Didn't seem like a friendly, the way he barged in here.

Tony: Doesn't matter. If he frees Loki or kills him, the Tesseract's lost.

Steve: Stark. We need a plan of attack.

Tony: I have a plan. Attack.

Then he flew out.

Wade: I'm going after him.

Then he pressed his comm.

Wade: Eddie! Johnny! I need backup!

Johnny's P.O.V.

Johnny: Roger that. Come on, Eddie.

Johnny went into his Ghost Rider form. Venom covered Eddie and took for.

Venom: Can that thing fly?

Ghost Rider: It was designed for water, land, and running up walls. So, no.

Venom looked confused.

Venom: Well, that's an inconvenience.

Ghost Rider: Save it. I'll be fine.

Then they both did a skydive. The Ghost Rider laughing.

Wade's P.O.V.

Wade: They're on their way.

Steve took some parachutes.

Steve: Strap in.

Natasha: I'd sit this one out, guys.

Wade: It's better not to.

Steve: I don't see how I can.

Natasha: These guys come from legend. They're basically gods.

Steve: There's only one God, ma'am. And I'm pretty sure he doesn't dress like that.

They skydived out.

Wade: Geronimo.

Later on

Ghost Rider and Venom arrived.

Thor and Iron Man saw them.

Thor: That black beast. I recognize it.

Ghost Rider: Enough. You are both misunderstood.

Venom: I suggest that I eat the god man.

Tony: Back off. I'm trying to handle this alone.

Ghost Rider: Very well.

He got back on his motorcycle, grabbed his chain, and swung his chain while riding towards Thor. Then he tied him up. Thor broke free from the chain. Venom wrapped around him next.

All of sudden, a shield flung itself between them and came back towards Captain America.


He caught it.

"That's enough!"

Wade was nearby. But his parachute got stuck in some branches.

Wade: This looks familiar. I still stink at these.

Captain America landed on the ground.

Steve: Now I don't know what you plan on doing here.

Thor: I've come to put an end to Loki's schemes!

Steve: Then prove it. Put that hammer down.

Tony: Yeah. No. Bad call. He loves his hammer.

Thor hit them all backwards.

Thor: You want me to put the hammer down!?

He flew towards Steve and it cause a sonic boom earthquake.

They all groaned and got off the ground.

Steve: Are we done, here?

Johnny and Eddie turned into their normal selves.

Tony: Wade?

Wade: Hey, guys? A little help?

A pair of leg in red stuck out of the trees.

Steve: Don't worry, Wade. We'll get you out.

He grabbed the legs to discover that they were dismembered legs.

Steve: AAHH!

Wade: Oh. Don't worry.

They looked up. Wade's top half way in a tree.

Wade: They usually grow back in a few hours. Until then, can you please get me out of here?

Thor: How are you still alive?

Johnny: We have a lot of catching up to do.

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