Meet Wade Wilson

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They arrived at a bar with a lot of mean looking people.

Johnny: Try not to anger anyone here. These guys are assassins. You don't want your name on the board. They bet on you to die over there.

He pointed to the board with money amounts and names. The came up to the bartender. He had long hair, close shaven beard, glasses, flannel, and he looked like a loser.

Johnny: Hey, Weasel.

Weasel: Johnny. The man, the myth, the legendary motorcycle stuntman.

Johnny: Listen, is Wade here?

Weasel: He's at the back table.

They came to a man at the back table. He was bald and looked like he had been in a fire.

Johnny: Hey, Wade. How's it going?

Wade: Johnny! Eddie! How's your lives been?

Johnny: It's been fine.

Wade: Who's the girl?

"Natasha Romanoff."

Wade: Ooh. A Russian girl.

Johnny: She's a secret agent for S.H.I.E.L.D.

Wade: Okay. What's going on?

They told Wade everything.

Wade: And you need me?

Johnny: Wade, I know you're not a team player.

Wade: Yeah. I don't do teams. I lead a team, once. They all died within the first day.

Weasel: Domino survived.

Wade: Big deal. Domino has her own way of getting out of any situation. Don't ask me how they died. You don't wanna know.

Johnny: What about those other guys you worked with?

Wade: Yeah, well, I disobeyed orders and they put me in jail. You call that a team?

Natasha: Wow. You must have some real trust issues.

Wade: People are hard to trust. Especially if they're idiots who tell you they can cure your cancer. When it turns out they just wanna turn you into one of their zombie mutant minions.

Natasha was shocked.

Wade: That's right, Natasha. Surprised? That's what happened to my face. I got tricked into a dirtbag's experiment. But I stopped him before he could do it to anyone else.

Johnny: He calls himself Deadpool. The undying assassin.

Wade: The red suit is so bad guys can't see me bleed. Try to kill me, and I can't be killed.

Natasha: Perfect. So you're in?

Wade: Well I guess I don't have anything better to do. Weasel. Call in Dopinder. We're gonna need his taxi.

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