[DreamXD x George] Sugar Daddy

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   George gulped, DreamXD always had this very dominant feel to him. Like he was always in control of the people around him. He was more powerful than everyone on the server, and he knew it.
   George was scared of him, sure. But he also knew his soft sides, DreamXD could be very sweet and gentle when he wanted to be. But, this is the first time DreamXD had ever acted quite like this.

   "Or do you not really need that Mending book that badly?" DreamXD giggled at him.
   "I..." George thought about his answer. On one hand, he didn't really need that Mending book, on the other, he could be consenting for XD to do anything to him.
   "Could you... go easy on me?...." George asked first.

   "I can try. But I can't promise that it won't hurt a little." XD told him.

   "O-okay then. Do what you want with me." George stared into the white masked face. XD stared back for a moment before he nods his head to George.

[Contains the following: Rough anal sex, over stimulation, dirty talking? choking, some hair pulling, cuming multiple times, and Warning may contain the implication of homosexuality, if ya not cool with homosexuality then proceed with caution. Lol]

   XD's large hands slid up from George's smaller hands to up his arms. XD appeared to be examining George's body like a blank canvas, but it was hard to tell from not being able to see the face behind his mask.
   "George~~" XD hummed to himself, as George was starting to get more nervous the more XD just stared at him.
   XD leaned his face into George's neck, his void black hand held George's chin in place so he was facing over XD's shoulder, XD moved his mask up just enough that his mouth was exposed, but George couldn't turn to see, he only found out when he felt XD's cold lips press against his neck making him shiver.

   George lightly held onto XD's cloak as his abnormally long toung licked around his neck, his toung felt warm in contrast to XD's normally cold skin.
   George hummed in pleasure, some how XD kept finding all of George's sensitive spots around his neck and collar bone. George bit his bottom lip slightly.

   XD's hand traveled from George's chin to down his jawline and around his neck again just resting his hand there, George gulps as he feels his cold palm against his through and his fingers wrapped around his neck.
   George gasped in pleasure as XD bit down on verry sensitive spot near his collar bone.

   XD slid his other hand under George's ass and pulled George out of his seat, George gasped in surprise and gripped onto XD's green Cloak tighter as he was pulled onto XD's lap.
  George held onto DreamXD tightly as he realized that XD was still floating off the ground while he was sitting in his lap.

   XD chuckled at Georges concern for falling. He pulled down his mask to fully cover his face again. XD started pulling off Georges shirt and pulled down Georges pants as George wiggled and tried to cover himself in his lap.
   A second pair of hands appear from nowhere and hold Georges arms away from covering his body.
   "You're so perfect, so small and delicate." XD said as his strong hands stroked up and down Georges body. As he just admired George's slim figure.

   XD could just destroy him, make him scream, make him cry, break him in half, and tear him to pieces, but he's far to good for that.
   George blushed darker at XD staring at him again.
   XD suddenly pushed George up against the wall and grinded against him. George moaned from the sodden pleasure, he wrapped his legs around DreamXD's waist, still worried about falling.

   Georges erection grew as XD grinded into him, XD summoned more of his hands that proceeded to touch George all over his body, making him moan at XD's touch. A hand lay on his ass and squeezed it slightly, while others stroked up and down his chest and sides. One hand stroked along his cheek, then moved it's fingers across his lips.

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