the roof

505 6 0


translations/ none.
song to play/ apocalypse.

➼ play apocalypse by cigarettes after sex before reading!

WE LAID AGAINST THE shingles on the roof. just us two. side by side, smoking, drinking and talking for what felt like hours. well it has been hours. i decided to sneak winnie over because my father doesn't like company but he's asleep and it's late.

winnie and i laid down next to each other, looking up at the moon that was covered by the clouds but still gave us enough light, laughing and talking about almost anything.

we both reeked of cigarettes and vodka, i was a little drunk but she only had two shots so she's still sober. it was the middle of November so it was a little chilly outside because it's nighttime.

i had on a black, long sleeve shirt, some black, baggy jeans and my black combat boots. winnie had on a long sleeve black shirt with some pick pajama shorts and some black chuck taylors and her hair was in a very messy ponytail.

we were laughing and joking around for a while. eventually our laughs faded and we sat there in silence for about a minute.

" many girlfriends have you had, boris?" winnie asked, popping her head up and turning my way and looking at me with a smile. she rested her cheek in her hand while her elbow was holding up her hand. i looked at her.

"1" i answered looking away from her and back at the clouds.

"well i also had random girls i would hook up with but they were just booty calls, nothing serious, but that's about it." i said rambling on, continuing to admire the sky with my eyes.

"what? seriously? only 1 girlfriend?" winnie asked shocked "yeahhh, why do you sound so surprised? do you think i'm a whore?" i asked sarcastically, trying to scare her as i sat up and looked at her shocked.

she looked up at me with a very confused and scared expression. "what!? no of course not, i just thought you were a little player or something!" she blurted, trying to explain herself. i laughed and grabbed a cigarette from my side pocket.

"i know, win. it was joke." i grabbed the lighter from my back pocket and popped the cigarette in my mouth continuing to chuckle. she sighed and giggled as well. i brought the lighter up to my cigarette and struck it. the end of the cigarette turned orange and i put the lighter back in my back pocket.

i laid back down and inhaled the cigarette, then blowing the smoke back out into the warm air.

"what was she like? if you don't mind me asking." the girl asked softly and caring. "i don't mind." i responded.

"her name was Angie. we started dating january of 2018 and we broke up in june of 2018. we were very young— freshmen, 14, 15 maybe. she was very pretty, very nice and very understanding, which was something i hated about her. she was never mad at me and she always tried to work things out. like she never got mad at me and she never yelled at me." i rambled on.

"why would you want her to yell at you?" winnie asked demented.

"because i always pushed her away!" i blurted, throwing my hands up in the air in disappointment. "and it wasn't even her fault. i acted like i wanted her one minute then the next i just wouldn't want anything to do with her. and she stayed." i said low as i remembered why it wasn't her fault.

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