sign of the times

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translation/ in the end.
song to play/ sign of the times.

➼ play sign of the times by harry styles before reading!

THE SUN WAS NO LONGER VISIBLE. winnie's song played as she slept in the passenger seat. her seat laid back a bit and she laid on her side facing my direction with her feet curled up next to her legs. her hand laid under her head and her other hand laid on console next to my elbow. her eyes were shut softly and she fell asleep about 5 minutes ago. i drove down the dimmed road, ready to go to sleep.

winnie wanted to go out to eat and walk the strip. so we did. 8 hours later we're driving back home, stuffed, tired and happy. we ate wendy's. you know winnie getting a big order of fries, a bacon cheese burger and a chocolate frosty, and i got salad and a vanilla frosty, i already had a pack of beer in the back so i was in need of no drink.

after that, we left and went to go walk the strip but didn't do much. all we did was go to candy store, buy candy, (which is still in car, in the back, smelling like a candy factory) bought some glasses, (maybe we didn't pay for them but oh well) bought a few clothing items, i bought her a big, black teddy bear, we got on the ferris wheel, we walked around and we went through a haunted house, then we left.

the strip is about an hour away from home and we just hopped on road about 15 minutes ago. i began to grow tired from the amount of laughing and running around we did today.

i did my job today. i made her smile. the whole time she had big smile on her face, which was my goal for the day. that's my goal everyday, making her smile.

sometimes i may not succeed but i still try and attempt. i'll do anything to make the girl i'm in love with smile.

i looked down at her resting head, her slow and steady breaths fell from her nose. her long, beautiful, black locs were pushed behind her ear. i couldn't help but smile at her cuteness, she's such sweet girl who didn't deserve anything she went through. i'm here to take her pain and sadness away. or try to at least.

- 10:39 PM -

finally. i pulled up into winnie's driveway right behind her sister's car. ready to drop her off, only problem is she was asleep and i didn't want to wake her. i put the car in park and i turned the car off, sitting there trying to figure out how i'm going to bring her and all of the stuff into the house.

i rolled my eyes and put the keys in my pocket. i got out of the car and slammed my door.

i walked through the warm night air, right behind the car. i walked to the passengers side. i opened the door and bent down to grab her.

i softly wrapped my arm under her thighs and wrapped my other arm around her back. i picked her up and carried her out of the car, bridal style, shutting the door with my foot and walking up to the front door. i couldn't knock so i kicked the door lightly a few times.

i waited a few seconds when the door opened and revealed a yellow, lit interior. margot (winnie's sister) was standing in front of me, she looked down at winnie and noticed she was sleeping. she looked back up at me and moved out of the way. i walked into the house. "hey boris" margot said as i took a few more steps away from the door. "hi margot." i replied.

"did you guys have fun?" margot asked softly as she shut the door. i turned my head towards her direction. "yep, can't you tell?" i asked jokingly motioning my eyes down to winnie sleeping. margot sniggered.

i began to make my way towards the stairs when margot spoke. "you guys didn't get anything?" she asked.

i turned my head back. "we did but its in the car and i'm trying to get winnie in her bed and go home." i said. "you can spend the night and i'll get the stuff out of the car and leave it on the couch." margot insisted. i smiled. "thank you."

margot turned and opened the door again when i remembered something. "oh i got you a necklace and some twizzlers in the rainbow bag in the backseat." i spoke softly. she turned back and looked at me and smiled. "thank you, boris." she said soft and sweetly, she turned back around and left. i softly chuckled and walked up the stairs. margot was always such a nice person, since the first day i met her.

i walked through the lit hallway then walking to winnie's room door. i opened the door with the closest hand i got and pushed it open, the room was dark but i couldn't reach the light. i tried to make out where i was going and walked to the bed, i softly laid her down on the bed.
her head laid on the pillow and she slightly moved a little bit. i went back to the door and turned on the light. the room grew bright as i shut her bed room door and slipped my shoes off my feet, leaving me in my black socks. i left my shoes by her door and walked over to her.

i slipped her shoes off as well and threw them into her open closet. i went back to the door and turned the light back off, ready to go to sleep. i was too tired to get comfortable. i plopped onto winnie's bed and moved up on top of her legs. gizmo then hopped on the bed next to winnie's stomach and plopped down right next to her.

guess he's sleepy too.

i laid the side of my head on her stomach and wrapped my arms around her waist, not caring if my feet were hanging off the bed. i closed my eyes and felt winnie's fingers slip between my locks. she began to rub her fingers through my hair but she was still halfway asleep.

where i then fell asleep.


hi babies. this was ALSO rushed and i'm SORRY! but the next one will HOPEFULLY be better. I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED IT!!! and sorry if there's any spelling errors.

i made some changes to this btw: 1/7/22

always forever, boris pavlikovsky.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن