The Transfer

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Above is my version of (Y/N)

A girl with (Long/Short/Curly/Etc) (H/C) with a busty figure and soft (S/C) sat at the back of the train. She hummed softly with a straight face as she was focusing on drawing something specific. It was her but almost doll like as it looks like she had (E/C) button like eyes. She had her earbuds in as she focused on the drawing. Soon enough her stop came and she got off the train with her luggage. She walked to a gated school called Identity Versatile academy(IDV DOES NOT MEAN VERSATILE BTW) She went in looking around at her surroundings. It looked like a mansion was made into a school. Which that was precisely what happened.

She all of a sudden fell forward almost all of the way only to be caught by a tall male.. She looks up and pulls away." Sorry... I-I am new here." She mumbled out." Don't worry Mon Cheri. I am Joseph Desauliniers." He said giving a small bow." I am (Y-Y/N) (L/N)." She replied giving an anxious smile. Joseph hummed lightly." How about I show you around?" He asked lightly. (Y/N) smiled a little brightly with a tiny blush." Yes p-please." She stated shyly. Joseph began to show her around and ending the tour at the Principal's office.

"Thanks J-Joseph." She said waving goodbye to her friend when it was time for her to talk to Principal Nightingale. She walked in gulping nervously as she sat in front of her principal. She fidgeted in her seat as she used to have problems with adults..."(Y/N) I am Ms. Nightingale your Principal." The lovely woman began to speak." I have heard about what happened at and to your school. I am very sorry about it. Here is a safe place though. No one bullies here or has harmed anyone. The teachers may be a bit rough at first but give them some time alright?" The woman asked and the younger girl in the room nodded." Y-yes ma'am." She whispered.

"Now about club choices do you have any that interest you?" Ms. Nightingale asked. (Y/N) nodded fastly." Ph-photography, gardening, u-uhm... Chess, and d-dance." She, the timid student, said softly hugging herself. The principal nodded and signed the girl up for the clubs." Your extra curricular classes?" The principal asked again." C-chorus, Journalism, Yearbook, a-and Art!" (Y/N) said softly yet she was obviously excited. Ms. Nightingale smiled softly." Since you already know where your classes are you won't need a guide but Joseph can still escort you if you want to." She stated. (Y/N) thought for a moment. She hummed and nodded before bowing goodbye and went to find Joseph only to find him arguing with a guy that had short silver hair in a ponytail. When Aesop saw the new girl he went rigid and gulped it was a new person but she was so pretty!

"Hey... I-I am Aesop.. Aesop Carl." He said holding his hand out to shake the girl's hand." I am (Y/N) (L/N)." She said quietly giving a soft smile and shook his hand hesitantly. Aesop was a little surprised at how hesitant a girl was to shake his hand. He was part of the major 6 popular group of males called Survs. It was him, Norton Campbell, Eli Clark, Luca Balsa, Naib Subedar, and Edgar Valden. The six were best friends since they were in middle school. Anyways... Aesop looked at the girl." I can take you to class I was your original guide since our schedule is close enough to be similar." He stated. (Y/N) hummed and sighed softly." Thanks Joseph." She stated and waved the Frenchman goodbye as Aesop led her to their first class English." So.. (Y/N)... Why did you come to this schoo-" he cut himself when the shorter girl flinched at the question." Sorry.. I didn't mean to uhm.. make you uncomfortable." He said awkwardly." I-it is ok." She mumbled lightly. They walked into the class and lo and behold chaos made byyyyy......


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