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dear carina andy black,

hi sweetheart. this is your mum. lacey evans/rosier/black. a lot has happened in my life and it was definitely a roller coaster. my baby i love you and i am sorry i couldn't be there for you to grow up. me and your father are saving your future. i hope you don't think less of me reading this. i hope you still love your mother. i did everything i possibly could to keep you safe and that is why i am doing this. be safe with your godparents or your grandparents or your aunts. please be safe and know that you are my life.

love, mum

dear carina,

this is your dad. regulus black. i know your mum said all the good gushy stuff but you are about to hear it all again. carina black you are my baby, my angel. and thank goodness you got mostly my genes because your mothers horrid natural ginger hair would have been tragic- she just hit me. i lied her hair was beautiful before she died it. i was lying she wrote that. angel be safe and stay with your uncle sirius if anything happens. i don't recommend your aunts lily and petunia because they were terrible to your mother but your choice. i hope you grow up to be a beautiful young lady. and be the angel i know you are.

ps: no boys before you are thirty!

- regulus a. black
(your mother got that from me you know )
(the whole initial thing)

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