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Jungwoo's hands trembled ever so gently as he reached out to grab the door handle. The tips of his fingers felt numb as he tried to grasp the cool metal and turn it, after many failed attempts, he finally opened the door. Reminding himself to breathe, he took a few shallow breaths while simultaneously trying to avoid eye contact with Doyoung.

The grass was unbelievably interesting on the walk to his boyfriend's motorcycle. When he stepped onto the cement of the driveway, Jungwoo momentarily looked up at Doyoung and flashed a small smile followed by a nervous laugh.

"Oh my poor baby," Doyoung sighed before handing Jungwoo the helmet he has been wearing previously.

"I don't wanna talk about it..." he mumbled. He quickly pulled the helmet onto his head and climbed onto the bike, making sure his arms were wrapped securely around the elders waist.


After a couple hours of the two watching tv together on the couch, Doyoung finally worked up to courage to talk about the real reason they skipped school. He didn't want to pry, but he felt as if he needed to know what was going on in Jungwoo's head. "So...do you wanna talk about it now?"

"No," Jungwoo admitted softly from where he was laying on Doyoung's chest.

"That's fine," he whispered, gently reaching up to run his fingers through Jungwoo's hair, "We can just stay like this."

The boy pulled away, almost breaking all of Doyoung's ribs as he pushed himself up so he was straddling the elder. "No I—I still want to try...I just don't want to talk about it. Because Y'know if I talk bout it I'll just get more scared of it."

There was an unsure look on Doyoung's face as he gently placed his hands on the boy's hips, "You're sure?"

He took a couple seconds to think about it before nodding, "I'm like really nervous...but I want to try."

"Why're you nervous, darlin?"

A small sigh fell from Jungwoo's lips as he shrugged. "What if I'm not as good as the other boys you've been with?" The words shocked Jungwoo more than Doyoung. Apparently his mind had been keeping worries hidden from him just so they could embarrass him.

Doyoung only smiled at the boy, expecting something like this sooner or later. "You don't need to compare yourself to anybody, okay? I choose to be with you and something like how our first time goes won't change that."

"Okay," he whispered before falling silent for awhile. He took some time to just think about things before muttering, "I'll be back."

Doyoung let out another sigh, hoping that Jungwoo wasn't going somewhere to cry about how he was feeling. But he knew the boy just needed a few moments to himself. Instead of worrying about it, he just turned back the Disney Jungwoo had put in earlier.

When ten minutes had passed he started to grow impatient. So like any other nosy boyfriend, he got off the couch and went looking for Jungwoo. It didn't take long before turned the corner and heard the shower running.

A small oh slipped past his lips when he finally figured out what he was doing. Not knowing what he should do to pass the time, Doyoung walked into his room and grabbed a random book then flopped on his bed.

Doyoung had become fully immersed in the book that he didn't hear Jungwoo walk into the room. It was only when the younger sat down on the bed that he noticed him. Setting the book down next to him, Doyoung smiled at the boy, "hey."

Instead of responding verbally to his boyfriend, Jungwoo hesitantly got up only to relocate himself in Doyoung's lap. He could hear his heart pounding in his chest, but he was so ready for this. He knew sooner or later he would have to push the anxiety down and let things happen. Just as he was starting to calm his heart down, his stomach erupted with butterflies at the feeling of Doyoung's hands on his hips.

"You one hundred percent want to do this?" The elder asked gently as he rubbed his thumbs gently over the material on Jungwoo's hips.

Jungwoo let out a small breath before nodding. "I'm sure," he said confidently, finally gaining control over his emotions.

Gently sitting up so he didn't throw Jungwoo off his lap, Doyoung felt a little bit of his own nerves for the first time. His was brought back to reality by the feeling of Jungwoo's lips on his own.

Bringing a hand up to cradle the back of the younger's head, Doyoung pressed further into the kiss almost so their bodies were flush against each other.

After a few minutes of soft kisses, he pulled away and moved down to Jungwoo's neck. His lips ghosted over the skin, remembering that it was preferred not to leave any marks visible to anybody else. His hands slipped under the younger's shirt, fingers roaming his body.


Although the two both had nerves regarding the situation, they put aside the their fears and relied in trust. Jungwoo trusted that Doyoung would take care of him, and Doyoung trusted that Jungwoo would never judge him on how skilled he was at the things they did together.

After everything was done, Jungwoo was glad he didn't back out. Not only was it a good experience, it also helped to soothe his worries about things to happen in the future.

But there was one last thing in the back of his mind that was hindering him...and he felt as if he needed to get it out. "Doyoung?" He asked softly, not wanting to startle the elder because he was already so close to him. He pressed his face further into Doyoung's neck as if that would hide him.


The room fell silent as Jungwoo squeezed his eyes shut, trying to build up the courage to finally spit the words out. "I...I love you," he whispered carefully. The words felt foreign in his mouth, the only other time he'd said them was to girls he was just trying to please. But this time they actually meant something to him, he truly loved the person who heard them.

Doyoung smiled to himself as he his whole nervous system buzzed with excitement. Kim Jungwoo loves him. "I love you too," he responded softly before leaning down to press a small kiss onto the top of Jungwoo's head. 


Sorry for the delay...I got really bad writers block in the middle of this 

So like would any of you guys (preferably not creepy old men) by interested in me sharing my Instagram so we can be friends?? I would like more friends who are into kpop 

Anyway, thanks for reading 💖

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