Can you keep a secret?

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A/N: Someone gave me the idea for this part and it's something quite different so I'm really looking forward to writing it, I hope it's actually good lmao. Also, if you're reading this before I publish the next part, this is technically part 7 because I was in the middle of writing part 6 but then I really wanted to write this part and they don't like connect to eachother so it doesn't really make a difference if you read this one first. Does not contain smut, sorry to all the horknee mfs😭

In this exact moment, you feel more at peace than you ever have in your life. You are the happiest you have ever been and it is all because of one man, the man lying right next to you on a picnic blanket near the woods, holding your hand  tightly. It is such a beautiful, calm night. It is cool, but not cold, the stars shine bright in the clear night sky. 

You look to your left, to the most amazing person you've ever met, the man that you think you might be falling in love with. You admire his side profile, his angular jaw, his slightly pointed nose, and the stubble on his face. "Pietro" you whisper into his ear.

He turns his head to look at you. He looks into your eyes and smiles at you. 

You smile back at him as you stare into his blue eyes, which seem as though they are looking into your soul.

"What is it?" He asks you. 

You put your hand on his cheek. "Nothing, I just wanted to see your face" you tell him.

You can see his eyes light up and his cheeks blush slightly as his smile grows wider. He leans forward and kisses you softly on the lips. He puts his head back and runs his hand through your hair. "How do you get your hair so soft" he asks you. 

"Conditioner" you joke. "You know, you're gonna have to start using it when you wash your own hair because I can't wash it every time."

"You know you love doing it" he smirks. "And besides, you use that expensive one that smells nice, I'm not paying that much for something I put in my hair."

"Oh so you're just gonna use up all mine?" You say sarcastically. 

"What are you gonna do about it?" He teases you. 

"Oh shut up" you say as you kiss him again. You both turn onto your sides so your bodies are facing eachother. You kiss each others lips and then begin slowly making out with your tongues. You run your hand up and down Pietro's waist and onto to his back. He holds your neck and strokes your cheek with his thumb. 

After a few minutes you push Pietro onto his back and roll on top of him. You lay on top of him and run your hands over his hair for a few seconds until you kiss him again. He puts his hands on your waist, moves them down to your hips, and then onto your butt. He squeezes your ass cheeks and you breathe heavily into his mouth. He then moves his hands back up under your t shirt and jumper. You finch at the feeling of his cold, smooth hands against your back but you quickly get used to it as he grabs your waist tightly. 

Suddenly, you hear rustling sound. You immediately stop kissing Pietro and try to figure out where the noise came from. 

"What was that?" Pietro asks, clearly as frightened as you are. 

"I don't know, but I can't hear it anymore" you try to reassure him, or maybe more so yourself. "Whatever it was, I think it's gone"

Just as you finish saying that, you hear another noise, it sounded like footsteps. Footsteps coming towards you. You get off of Pietro, get onto your feet and help him up. You both try to make a run for it but you suddenly can't move. You can see a red aura surrounding the two of you and you immediately know what is happening. 

You and Pietro make eye contact. "Wanda" you say simultaneously.

"Don't worry" says a woman with a Sokovian accent. "I'm not a wild animal trying to kill you." She puts her hands down and you and Pietro can move again.

"Wanda" Pietro says shakily. "We can explain." 

"There's not much explanation needed" she says. "I saw my brother and his best friend making out, so naturally I kind of figured out what's going on here."

Your heart is racing and then something clicked. "Wait...did you know this whole time?" You ask Wanda. "You know, with your whole mind reading thing."

"You know, I can't read everyone's mind" Wanda tells you. "I never have to read Pietro's because we can kind of sense each others emotions, and with you, I don't know. I will admit I've tried but I just can't get in there, you seem to have your thoughts blocked from everyone else." 

Pietro let's out a sigh of relief. "Ah so you didn't suspect a thing, so that must mean no one else kno-"

Wanda cuts him off. "Well... I don't know about the others but I did suspect something was going on for the last few weeks, with the way to two were acting around eachother, but I doubt anyone else would notice it as much I did. You can't keep this a secret forever, you both know that, right?"

"Well, yeah but we um..." you stutter.

"We never really thought about it" Pietro finishes your sentence.

"Well, I'll keep your secret but I'm not saying you should hide it, I'm sure everyone will be happy for you both" Wanda assures you. "Although, if you are keeping it a secret for longer, I suggest finding a more private place to do *that*. I mean, how did neither of you know I come out here almost every night to look at the stars?"

"I swear she always has to make herself seem smarter than me" Pietro jokes to you. 

"Stop it you" Wanda says sarcastically. "But seriously, I'm happy for you both and I support you in whatever choice you make."

"Thanks sis" Pietro says. He embraces Wanda and hugs her tightly and you notice a tear dropping out of his eye.

"Stop it" she says. "You'll set me off now!"

Pietro laughs and wipes his eye.

"Mom and dad would be so proud of you right now" Wanda says with a lot of emotion. "And y/n, you be good to my brother and I'll make sure he's good to you."

"Of course" you reply as she gives you a warm hug.

"Now, I better get going back" she says. "You two should come with me incase anyone wonders why you were out so late together."

The three of you walk back to the compound together.

You feel as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Although, you wonder, what exactly is Pietro to you? Your boyfriend? Friend with benefits? Whatever it is you know you're going to have to talk about it with him, preferably some time soon. 

A/N: Wow omg I wrote this in like an hour which is weird because it usually takes me days lol. I hope you liked this because it was definitely a bit different than the rest of the story so I'm kind of proud of it ngl. I also wanted to thank you all because we're nearly at 300 reads!!  Definitely let me know what you think in the comments and also feel free to leave suggestions/ideas for future parts!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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