chapter twenty four

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chapter twenty four - november, 1984

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"What did I miss?" Alex asked as she walked back into the room. She had called Jesse to keep him updated on what was happening and when she came back in, she saw Will was lying in his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry," Will said as Alex walked over to him and sat down next to Mike and Bob.

"What?" Joyce asked, standing up to hold her son's hands, "what do you mean, sweetie?" Will shuddered as Alex stood up and walked next to Will's bed.

"He made me do it," Will said shuddering as Alex furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Mike.

"Who?" Joyce asked worried, "who made you do what?"

"I told you," Will said as Alex's eyes went wide, "they upset him. They shouldn't have done that. They shouldn't have upset him."

"The spy," she said, staring at Will who began crying. "Oh my god! The spy!" She and Mike looked at each other before sprinting out of the room with Bob behind them. They both ran to the door, but two guards were there and they caught the teens before they could get past them.

"Whoa, whoa!" the man holding Alex said. 

"We need to get through!" she yelled, "It's a trap! It's a trap!" Bob however, ran towards them and held them tight as they continues to struggle.

"We need to warn them" Mike yelled struggling, "It's a trap!" 

"Please!" Alex yelled, "I don't want to hurt you, but we need to tell them!"

An alarm suddenly went off as Alex stopped struggling and looked up. 

"What the hell?" Bob asked as Alex looked at Mike. 

"We're too late," Alex said as ran her hands through her hair.

"What?" Bob asked, looking at the blonde. 

"We're too late!" she almost screamed as she ran down the corridor, back to Will's room with Mike and Bob close behind her.

"What's going on?" Joyce asked as the three of them ran towards her.

"We're under attack," Mike said as Alex nodded. As the alarm kept going, Alex looked around. Her blue eyes widened when they fell on a bottle of anaesthesia and a syringe. 

"We need to make Will sleep," she said, holding the syringe up. 

"What?" Joyce asked, looking at the blonde like she was insane.

"He's a spy," she said, "if he knows where we are, so does the shadow monster and I don't have enough strength to defeat it."

"She's lying!" Will yelled, making Joyce turn to him. 

"He killed those soldiers," Mike said, "he'll kill us, too!"

"They're lying! They're lying! They're lying! They're lying! They're lying!" Will screamed as Joyce held his arms tight enough to keep him down as the alarm kept blaring. Gunshots went off as Alex's eyes went wide. 

"Those were gunshots!" Bob said as Alex turned away from the door and back to Joyce and Will.

"They're lying! They're lying!" he kept screaming. 

"Okay, Will, Will, listen, listen," Joyce said, yelling so her son would be quiet and listen to her. "Do you know who I am?" she asked, "do you know who I am?"

"You're," Will said as he stared at Joyce, but he couldn't remember, "you're. . . . you're Mom." But Joyce didn't believe him.

"Hold him down," Joyce said, looking at Bob. 

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