chapter thirteen

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chapter thirteen - november, 1983

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While Dustin and Lucas were setting up the pool in Hawkins' main hall where Alex punched Troy, Mike and Nancy were outside, trying to get into the locked shed while Joyce, Jesse, Alex and Eleven were sitting in the science lab. Joyce and Jesse were taping up two pairs of safety goggles for the two while Alex was sitting with Eleven.

"This will keep it dark for you two," Joyce said as Alex nodded. "You're are two very brave girls. You know that, don't you?" Alex looked at Joyce and smiled lightly, "everything you're doing for my boy. . . . for Will. . . . for my family. . . . Thank you."

"Listen," Jesse said as he held Alex and Eleven's hands, "we am gonna be there with you the whole time. And if it ever gets too scary. . . . in that place, you just let us know, okay?"

"Okay," Alex said as Eleven nodded.

"Okay, are you both ready?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Eleven said as Alex nodded.

"Ready," Alex said. The four of them left the science lab and made their way to the main hall where they saw the pool ready. "I really liked this outfit as well," Alex said as she took off her shoes and socks.

"When this is over," Jesse said as he helped Alex into the pool, "I'll take you shopping okay?" Alex nodded and smiled at her brother as she sat down next to Eleven and took the taped goggles from Joyce. "Are you both ready?" Jesse asked as Alex and Eleven looked at each other.

"Yeah," Alex said. She looked at Mike put the goggles on and laid back in the water so she was floating. As she lay there, her eyes glowed red as the lights around them began flickering and Alex began to glow red.

When Alex opened her eyes, she was in darkness with the familiar sight of water on the floor. She looked around, seeing a figure on the floor.

"Barb?" she called out, unaware everyone around her could hear her, "Barbara?" Alex walked over to Barbara, her feet splashing in the water.

"Is Barb okay?" Alex heard the voice of Nancy say, although it sounded far away. "Is she okay?" Alex walked over to Barbara, her breathing shaky. Barbra was lying on the floor, covered with goo and slime as she had a large vine coming out of her mouth.

"Barb?" Alex asked, bending down. Her hand glowered red as she reached out and touched Barb's slimy head. The second she touched her, she let out a scream.

"What's happening?" Mike asked, his eyes filled with worry as he watched Alex screaming.

"I don't know!" Jesse said.

"Gone!" Alex screamed, crying as she did, "one! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone. Gone."

"Alex, it's me," Jesse said, taking her hand, "it's Jesse. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere okay? I'm right here with you." Alex began to calm down as she held her brother's hand. "I need you to listen to me okay?"

"Okay," Alex said as she stood up in the darkness, seeing Barb was gone.

"I need you to find Will," came the distance voice of Jess.

"Fine Will," Alex said, as she looked around. When she turned around, Alex saw Castle Byers. "Castle Byers," she said out loud before walking over to it and opened the entrance. "Will," she said, her eyes wide as she saw Will lying on the floor, looking half-dead. "

"You tell him," came the distant voice of Joyce, "tell him I'm coming. Mom is coming." Alex bent down and put her hand on Will's arm.

"Your mom's coming," Alex said as she looked at him. "She's coming."

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