chapter two

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chapter two - november, 1983

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Two months later and Alex still didn't know how to play D&D. The blonde was sitting at the table, watching the four boys play with an intrigued face. Although she wasn't playing, she was more than happy to give her opinion. Since the blonde moved to Hawkins, she fitted into her new school well, and was even invited to join the Party a month after she moved. She had grown close with all her new friends, but especially Will and Mike. It was no secret to the boys that Mike liked Alex, but the blonde had no idea. Alex and Will bonded like siblings and were as close as them.

"Something is coming," Mike said as the four friends watching him leaned in with anticipation. "Something hungry for blood. A shadow grows on the wall behind you, swallowing you in darkness. It is almost here."

"What is it?" Will asked, his innocent eyes wide.

"What if it's the Demogorgon?" Dustin asked, looking worried. "Oh, Jesus, we're so screwed if it's the Demogorgon."

"It's not the Demogorgon," Lucas said as Alex studied Mike's face.

"It's so the Demogorgon!" Alex said, "you can tell!"

"An army of troglodytes charge into the chamber!" Mike said, slamming one of the figurines onto the table.

"Troglodytes?" Dustin asked while Alex kept watching Mike.

"Told ya," Lucas said chuckling. As Dustin chuckled, he let out a little snorts, causing everyone, except Mike, to chuckle.

"Wait a minute," Mike said softly as he looked over his shoulder. "Did you hear that? That, that sound? Boom. . . . boom. . . . Boom!" he yelled, slamming the table and making the four friends jump feet. "That didn't come from the troglodytes. No, that, that came from something else." All four of them waited patiently. "The Demogorgon!" Mike yelled, slamming the Demogorgon figure onto the table.

"I told you!" Alex said, jumping up with both hands in the air while the boys groaned.

"We're in deep shit," Dustin said.

"Will, your action!" Mike said, causing the hazel eyes boy to look confused.

"I don't know!" Will said, looking at the table.

"Fireball him!" Lucas said as Alex sat back down.

"I'd have to roll a thirteen or higher!" Will said, looking at Lucas while Alex and Dustin shook their heads.

"Too risky," Dustin said.

"Cast a protection spell!" Alex added, not seeing the way Mike looked at her.

"Don't be a pussy," Lucas said, "fireball him!"

"Cast Protection!" Dustin said, trying to get Will to cast protection.

"The Demogorgon is tired of your silly human bickering!" Mike said, slamming his hand on the table making all four of them turn to him. "It stomps towards you. Boom!"

"Fireball him!" Lucas yelled.

"Another stomp, boom!" Mike slammed the table again.

"Cast Protection!" Alex and Dustin yelled together while Will looked between his friends, unsure of what to do.

"He roars in anger!" Mike yelled, causing Dustin and Lucas to yell their idea of what Will should do at each other. Eventually Will made up his mind.

"Fireball!" Will yelled, throwing his dice but he seem to have thrown it to hard as it flew off the table.

"Oh, shit!" Alex said as the five of them jumped up and began searching for the dice.

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