chapter one

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chapter one - september, 1983

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"Livin' easy, lovin' free, season ticket on a one way ride," twenty two year old Jesse Hart sang as he drove towards the town of Hawkins, Indiana with his adopted sister, Alexandra (who answered to Alex). "Askin' nothin', leave me be. Takin' everythin' in my stride, don't need reason, don't need rhyme. Ain't nothin' that I'd rather do. Goin' down, party time. My friends are gonna be there too."

"I'm on the highway to hell!" The two siblings sang at the top of heir lungs, "on the highway to hell! Highway to hell, I'm on the highway to hell!"

"No stop signs, speed limit, nobody's gonna slow me down," Alex sang as her brother turned the wheel left, "like a wheel, gonna spin it. Nobody's gonna mess me around. Hey satan, payin' my dues! Playin' in a rockin' band, hey mumma, look at me! I'm on the way to the promised land!"

"'I'm on the highway to hell, highway to hell!" Alex sang Jesse turned down the volume as they pulled into the driveway of a two story house. "I'm on the highway to hell!" Jesse turned the car off, resulting in the music stopping and Alex's face dropped.

"What was that for?" Alex asked, her face filled with betrayal.

"We're here," Jessie said, laughing at his sister's face. "Let's take a look around." Alex looked out the window and judged the house. The house looked neat and tidy with a large front garden that had a cute pathway leading up to the black front door. "What do you think?"

"Looks alright," Alex said shrugging.

"The moving van should be here tomorrow," Jesse said, getting the new house keys out of his pocket and unlocking the front door, "so while you're both at school I can try and get as much of this set up."

"I have to go to school tomorrow?" Alex wined, looking at her brother in annoyance.

"Yes my darling little sister," Jesse said as Alex groaned.

Jesse and Alex were moving to Hawkins from Seattle. Alex was taken in by the Hart family when she was nine years old. She was wondering around the woods in Seattle with a shaved head, a bloody nose and was looking beaten up. Jesse found her and almost straight away, his parents adopted her. When Alex was ten, her adopted parents died mysteriously when she and Jesse were out at the arcade, so Jesse saved up more money for a year and bought a house in Hawkins with help from his aunt.

"Which room is mine?" Alex asked once the two were inside the house.

"Which ever one you want," Jesse said, making his sister beam. She dropped her suitcase and ran into the second floor where she came across a large bedroom.

"GOT MINE!" she yelled to Jesse who laughed as he walked into her new room. He looked at his sister and smiled, but his smile faded slightly.

"Lex, it's showing," he said, nodding to her wrist. Alex looked down and her eyes went wide when she saw the black writing on her wrist showing the numbers '007'.

"Do you think kids at the school will notice?" Alex asked, pulling her sleeve down and looking at her brother.

"They shouldn't do," he said as he walked next to her.

"What if they give me the same nickname?" Alex asked.

"What nickname?" Jesse asked.

"Licence to kill," she said, "after what happened."

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