"Well dude they went all out on you. I mean they offered to re-do my whole room but I kept it simple. I have about half of the second floor and they have the other halfish. But your room is sick man. You have everything anyone could ever dream of. " He practically screams with excitement.

"Why didn't you go all out with your room?" I inquire.

"Well I accepted all the basics, and repainted it got a new bed and T.V. But I never went all out because I wanted to feel normal I guess." He replied a little sadly and he had that far-away look in his eyes.

" Oh well I decided that I needed a new life. A new one I was going to make happen. I've never been this happy in my life. Well of course I couldn't I mean ive been to 120 crappy foster homes. None of them ever kept me for long. But I made the county send me back to Miss Charlotte every time. I had one strand of hope that kept me there. And now im glad I stayed there. I finally have the mom I never had." I replied solemly.

"Oh what happened."  He asked me. Did I really want to tell him? I mean he seems trust worthy but you ever know.

"Well-" I started.

"You don't have to tell me if yyou don't want." He says quickly.

"No I want to. Will you tell me why you were put in foster home?" I ask a little kid likish.

"Yea I can tell you why I was in there. If you tell me first." He says.

"Well I was put in there when I was five. And I went to exactly 10 homes a year surprisingly. I didn't know why I was being taken away from my mother at the time but I remember everything like it was yesterday. I was laying in bed with my mom snuggled close to her looking at the moon awaiting the fate that awaited me in the morning. She promised me she'd find me and get me back," I know by now that I've started to cry a little and sniffle some but she never did. She left me to rot in that hell hole of a foster care system. Part of the reason I wanted to go back to Miss Charlotte is I would never have to tell people the story over and over because she knew it by heart. The other reason was because I always had a hope that my mom would fulfull her promise. She still hasn't but now I've been adopted and they have treated me wonderfully these past few days. But I pray to god that this isn't some sick joke he's playing on me," I wipe my eyes and nose with a tissue, "I'm glad that I survived life long enough to come to a place that loves me." He just looks at me with sad eyes to flabergasted to say anything comforting I guess. "You dont have to say anything to that."

"Well I'm sorry to hear that that happened to a girl as gorgeous as you. Now time for my not as heart wrenching story," He took a deep breath, "Well it all started I wanna say around the time I turned 6?" he questioned himself, "Yea around 6 when my mother died. My father started drinking and he was pissed at the world. He would constantly beat me and one day he came home a little more drunk than usual and died of alcohol poisining. I finally got the guts to call the police and so I did. And since I had no living relatives I went straight into the foster care system. I got adopted by our parents about 4 years ago. It was the greatest thing that had happened in the seven years I was in foster care. And unlike your fosters I went to about 25 throughout my career. I couldn't believe how strong you looked when I heard the number that had come out of your mouth. You didn't look like you had been through hell and back,"He honestly said.

"Im sorry to hear that your father beat you and that your mother died." I said truthfully.

Xavier's P.O.V

As I heard her tell her story I could tell how much her mother had hurt her by not coming back for her. I mean who could promise that to someone and then just leave never to be heard of again? By then I had led her to the bed to let her tell the rest of her story. Well here it goes for mine I had a deal.

"Well I'm sorry to hear that that happened to a girl as gorgeous as you. Now time for my not as heart wrenching story," I took a deep breath, "Well it all started I wanna say around the time I turned 6?" I question myself, "Yea around 6 when my mother died. My father started drinking and he was pissed at the world. He would constantly beat me and one day he came home a little more drunk than usual and died of alcohol poisining. I finally got the guts to call the police and so I did. And since I had no living relatives I went straight into the foster care system. I got adopted by our parents about 4 years ago. It was the greatest thing that had happened in the seven years I was in foster care. And unlike your fosters I went to about 25 throughout my career. I couldn't believe how strong you looked when I heard the number that had come out of your mouth. You didn't look like you had been through hell and back," I honestly said.

"Im sorry to hear that your father beat you and that your mother died." She said truthfully.

"Eh no big deal. My dad was the one that loved her more then me. He just sort of went over the edge after her death." I said and of course I was sad to tell her the story but I didn't let it show. Little know about my past. They think that I'm a go lucky kid. I feel something soft on my cheek and then see her pulling away blushing. Wait did she just kiss me on the cheek? Omg!! Thats amazing!!

"I-I'm sorry" was all she said before she fled the room telling the painters to paint the inside of her closet walls a neon blue. Well there goes my plans of kissing her. I just hope tomorrow goes a lot better.

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