When Things Couldn't Get Any Worse

Start from the beginning

"I've been waiting all day for this" she smiled

"Ooo, shit...fuck~" she moaned loudly and started to kiss me hard..."ahh~, don't just lay there do something ahh~" courtney let out fake moans "courtney be quiet Kristen is here!" I whispered "I don't care let her hear, ooo~ ahhhh!~"

"C-courtney Ah..why do you d-do this to me?" I tried to hold in my moans one or two slipping out.
"Because I can, Kurt I have all the power around here you can't do anything about it. agh~" she snickered.

She began going faster and I couldn't stop her...she was at her high and she began moaning Billy's name "Billy ohh~ ahh billy~" she obnoxiously said loudly.

"Who's Billy" my voice raspy and breathy "Ah~ shut up be quiet" she moaned.

It had been awhile and Courtney had what I'd say was an Orgasm.

She slowed down, I was really hot and bothered, I was Finished with...she slid out and pulled her pink lingerie down and I instantly put my pants back on Quickly as hell. Courtney fixed her lipstick with her fingertips.

she kissed me again "Thanks asshole" she whispered, she stopped kissing me and looked up at the door Kristen just woke up, she rubbed her eyes and stared at both of us.

"H-hi um I'm sorry to intrude...uh I-I gotta go now, um Bye!" she ran off and went home she looked really uncomfortable seeing courtney in lingerie.

I looked at courtney shocked Courtney started to smile..the sly evil women!

She did it on purpose she was moaning loud for a reason...."Get dressed in real clothes have a shower you fuckin stink like sweat!" she said and pushed me out of the door "don't push me like that!" I snapped.

"what are you going to do?!" She pushed again. I pulled her thin chocker off and dropped it on the ground.

I felt like the shittyist person in the world, and now all I wanted to do was think Everything's my fault and I should take all the blame for everything no matter how little it was, I have no escape in this prison and from my cheating wife...

I ran to the bedroom locking the door. I felt so awful I felt sick from the anxiety that grew I felt hopeless I sat down not knowing why I felt this way I felt so angry at courtney.

I knew everything was going to get worse no matter how hard I tried. I had to take matters in my own hands.

I clenched my fist and screamed out of anger I violently started kicking the walls and swearing vulgar things.

I couldn't trust nobody
I completely lost control i went to the wardrobe where courtney's shotgun was. Courtney was knocking on the door and yelling at me to open it.

I went into the wardrobe and shut it as I was inside I was yelling That I would kill myself my arms were shaking out of anger that as I held the shotgun It kept on slipping out of my hands.

"No you wouldn't!" She shrieked her voice sounded like a old person who had smoked for 40 years she kept on knocking and kicking at the door.

I thought the Neighbours were hearing everything i felt bad for the things they all had to hear.

"Fuck you Courtney, I hate you, I fucking hate you so fucking much!" I yelled as I started crying

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