Part 31: Happily Ever After

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Hahahaha you guys didn't really think I'd give Bigby and Snow such a horrible ending, did you? No way! I hate bad endings! So relax, sit back, and read the real ending, which I promise, is sliiiightly happier ;) XD

Holly was surprised to see Snow sitting on the pavement outside the Trip Trap, out of all places. She finished locking it up and tentatively walked over to her.


Snow sniffed.

Holly came and sat down beside her. Snow was breathing heavily, wiping her eyes often so that her mascara streaked.

"Did something happen?" Holly asked gently.

"Did you know?" Snow said and Holly was startled. Bigby ... He must've told her.

"Yeah," Holly said quietly.

Snow held her forehead as if she was in pain. She couldn't think right now on what to do and what to feel.

"You can't run away from him now!" Holly urged. "Not after what you've all been through. You can't turn against Bigby. I felt the same way when I found out."

"But don't you see? He could be thrown down the witching well because of this! He can't even be here now, what with Fabletown around - no doubt they'll be after him! I -"


They both turned. Bigby was walking slowly down the pavement, his hands clenched. They both slowly rose to their feet. Snow blinked hard and looked down at the ground.

"Don't turn against him now," Holly murmured into Snow's ear before turning and leaving them both facing each other on the empty pavement.

Bigby walked closer to Snow. Without looking up, Snow said, "Why didn't you tell me before."

"You were in hospital, Snow," Bigby said in a quiet tone. "What I supposed to do? That was the last thing you needed to know, what with you barely being able to stand since that asshole starved and abused you."

"But now what are we going to do?" Snow cried. "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to go far from here," Bigby answered and Snow's heart sunk. She hated the cool, careless way he said it - what about her? Didn't he care about her anymore?

"So that's it?" Snow snapped bitterly at him, her eyes starting to tear up. "You're just gonna leave?"


That only fed her anger - the cruel, blunt way he was saying all this - and she ran forward and pushed him hard in his stony chest. "Go on then! Go! Leave! Get the fuck out! See if I care, go on!"

"Snow!" Bigby grabbed her flailing fists. Once she stopped and took a sob of breath, he said to her, "Come with me."

"What? I can't!" Snow wept. "The business ... I -"

"Fuck the business. We'll start a new life, somewhere, far away and leave this all behind us. Please, Snow. Come away with me. Marry me."

He brought out the small leather box. Snow's mouth fell open.

"This is my final offer," Bigby said. "I'll leave and you'll never have to see me again, if you wish. But first, hear me out. I love you, Snow, and have since the first day we met. Hell, I even wanted you before we existed. I know I'm not any handsome prince coming to sweep you away to a life of luxury. I can't afford you any riches or anything like that. But ... What I can offer you is a new life, away from here, where we can start again and put this nightmare behind us. I want to make you happy, so let me."

He stared into her dark blue eyes, waiting. He'll wait as long as it takes, for her to say yes, no, run away ... Whatever she wanted to do, he'll wait. Forever. The sky started to cloud over and a few spatters of rain fell on both their faces as if they were both crying.

Then Snow gave a tiny jerk of her head. It soon evolved into a full on nod and she ran forward and threw herself into Bigby's arm.

"I love you," she breathed into his ear.

Those three words that Bigby had been dying to hear since he first laid eyes on her made him prick up his ears in realisation and in joy. "What was that?" he whispered into her hair.

She pulled away and smiled a little, wiping her eyes. "I love you. And ... I'll marry you."

Bigby grinned mischeviously and what he did next surprised her: he reached down, grasped Snow's thighs and lifted her up bridal-style. Snow squealed.

"What are you doing!" she laughed.

Bigby just grinned.

"So do you think happily ever after is possible after all?" he asked her.

"We'll see," Snow answered, smiling.

* * *

"Well, that ended happily ever after," Woody said, gulping down a glass of water at Holly's place. He and Gren were sitting at Holly's kitchen table, whilst Holly leant against her sink, arms folded.

"How's Jack, by the way?" Woody asked her.

"Still grieving," Holly sighed. "I had no idea what the deal was between him and Alice really. I dunno if they had history or anything, but he obviously cared about her."

Gren snorted. "So what happened to Bigby and Snow then? Theyre just gonna go fuck-knows-where and get married?" He grunted in disgust.

"Yep," Holly said.

"Whilst we're stuck here in this shithole of a town with a shithole bunch of people, watching the world go by, living our life as miserable, forgotten fables that nobody gives a shit about."

"Yep," Woody agreed flatly. "You'd think we'll get some credit, but obviously not."

"Do you two ever stop complaining?" Holly whisked the glasses off the table and emptied them in the sink. "Go and play poker or something, you're both doing my head in."

"Oh well." Gren clapped a hand on Woody's back. "I'll be best man at your wedding and you'll be best man at mine whilst Bigby can go fuck 'imself! How about that?"

"Gren, are you high?" Woody sighed.

"As if. Holly's not letting me drink."

"I can't exactly see you getting married anyway."

"Yeah? Why not?"

"You're not exactly a ladies man."

"Pfft. And you are?"

"That a trick question?"

"Holly, who would you rather marry out of us both?" Gren called with confidence.

"Honestly?" Holly snorted. "I'd rather marry a sackful of shit. No, fuck that, I'd rather marry Bufkin."

"Well, I'm sure you both would make a wonderful couple," Gren said, annoyed that Holly didn't pick him.

Holly rolled her eyes and turned to the window. She rested her elbows on the windowsill and peered out into the grey sky.

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