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Hey Hey Hey peoples this is my first fanfiction wow. I've been wanting to write one for some time but I feel now is better because I can commit to it more. Okay so this is just a friendly warning of things that are gonna or may occur in the story. I am putting everything here so I don't have to put triggers at the beginning of a chapter that might spoil, however if there is something that I may forget to put here I will definitely make sure that I put it at the beginning of the chapter it is in!

Warning 1: (pretty much about the book in case of confusion)

FIRST this is how you pronounce the title... REY- ZON- DET- TRA (I hope that makes sense)

If something doesn't add up or line up with the plot line of the harry potter books/movies please know it was on purpose.

Also I love book/poc Hermione SO MUCH and a lot of fanfics I've read are written with her as that but...for this book you can visualize her as Emma Watson

This is in fact a slowburn I know..ya might have come for smut WHICH THERE WILL BE but it is later on in the book cause the plot is really important.

I will be describing Felicity when writing because she does have distinct features. You are more than welcome to picture her how you want for your preferences but please don't get discouraged when I describe in writing something that applies to her looks : )

There are two major places this book will take place and that's Beauxbatons and Hogwarts. One of the main characters, Felicity Corbridge attends Beauxbatons. So you will see stuff like (Felicity's pov or Hermione's pov) Also this is in third person, so you'll see the narrator (me) able to enter the characters minds, and tell the story as well as the characters can from their point of view!

I don't have an official answer of when I'll update, I'm just a teenager with a job and prorities as well....also this is strictly for fun and honestly it's very enjoyable to do. Writing is super fun but not when you're pressured (at least for me lol). But overall I will most likely I'll try to update once every week.

I will put a song recommend on some or all of the chapters that I feel relate to or give off the same vibezzzz considering I've made a playlist of songs I think could be in the story as background music.

Felicity and Hermione are 16. They are in their 4th year (goblet of fire) as long as the others in that year.

Warning 2:

Childhood trauma


Sexual tension

Sexual Content

(There most defnitley will be warnings at the beggining of chapters beacause I don't feel like putting all of them here)

This is a safe place so none of...




Triggering people


No spoiling that's annoying cmon on.

Just be a kind person : )

ALSO please if I ever did make a mistake and you notice there wasn't a tw for something or literally anything that should or shouldn't be there PLEASE tell me. I would never want to offend or hurt anyone so please do that also though I will check thoroughly in my chapters to prevent this from happening.

Now without further ado please enjoy my story muah!

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