thirty five - plans are overrated anyway

Start from the beginning

Scanning the car, I search for anything that will be able to cut through the seal. I doubt that I could pry it up with my fingernails, I don't have the right angle anyway. No, I need something sharp.

My eyes lock on something gleaming in the front seat. The keys. Connor left them so they wouldn't get lost in the house somewhere.

Twisting my torso, I clumsily slip my way into the front seat. My elbow bangs against the front seat and I have to choke back a groan. This hero thing is way too hard, especially with my lack of coordination. Biting my lip in concentration, I snag the key ring between the toes of my boots and toss it up.

Thankfully I catch them, I doubt I could perform that contortion act again.

Now sitting between the two front seats practically atop my hands, I flip the key ring around. There are only a few keys on there, no keychain, no arm knife, nothing else that could be used to puncture the seal. I supposed a key has to work.

Choosing one at random, I angle it toward the base of the handcuffs. I press the tip of the key against the seal and begin to saw away at the rubber. My muscles ache at the awkward motion and it takes far too long for the seal to begin fraying.

After what feels like an eternity there's a soft pop and air comes rushing past my hands. I pull them away so quickly I almost topple into the backseat. My eyes squeeze shut as I flail my arms, somehow managing to keep myself upright

Taking a slow breath, I pull my eyes open again. The side of my face is pressed against the driver seat, my arms wrapped around the headrest as I cling to it like a koala. I'm extremely glad no one was here to see that.

Unwinding my arms, I see the lights inside the handcuffs flashing an angry red as the rubber seal retracts into the base. I'm sure I've just set off all kinds of alarms within the Leagues system but it doesn't matter because I'm free. Or at least as free as I can be with my hands still bound.

I can walk and that's a start.

Setting my jaw I grab the handle of the door and wrench it open, sliding out onto the dew-soaked grass. The bars are still pried open where Trey forced his way through. Without hesitation, I slip in.

There's a subtle crunch under my feet and I race through the grove of trees. It's only a few yards before I'm back in the open, the trees dropping away on either side. I skid to a stop, my gaze flickering over the expansive garden between me and the house. The grounds stretch out with nothing to hide me from the arched windows on the ground floor.

I don't have another option. I'll have to risk it.

Stepping onto the grass I race toward the house, not bothering to watch my step. The wind whistles in my ears. Flowers swish beneath my boots, kicking up a pungent aroma of spring.

As I near the house, I slow to a walk, scanning the back of the house.

The door is cracked slightly, clearly where Trey and the other entered. If they hadn't been gone so long, I might consider going in after them. If Belladonna caught them she'll most certainly have someone on the lookout. As it is, I need a different way in.

The rows of windows stare back at me, every one of them like a dark portal into another universe. It's as if even the sun doesn't want to go past the walls thought permission.

Stepping up to a window halfway down the wall I peer through the glass. An expansive library looks back at me, shelves upon shelves marching away into the twilight of the mansion. All preciously empty.

Pressing my palms against the glass, I slide the window up. There's a subtle click as it locks into place. With about as much grace as a panda I flop over the window sill and summersault into the room. My foot cracks against the mahogany shelving. A book atop the stack teeters. Rocking once before resting back in its spot.

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