Ghosts of the fallen

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After the first failed attempt at going home, the second time was surprisingly less saddening that Seri had expected it to be.

Maybe a part of her harbored hopes for another failed attempt, but another part of her thought it would indeed, be more merciful to put some distance between themselves.

Jeong Hyeok had deliberately closed the stall after lunchtime, so that they could leave in the late afternoon.

Given that there was hardly anything for Seri to pack, she was sitting around in the living room as the Captain got ready.

What an intensely emotional, and unforgettable experience the last two weeks had been, the governor's daughter thought as she slowly scanned her surroundings.

Rising from the rattan armchair in the living room, Seri slowly walked around the apartment, entering the kitchen.

Playing janggi, doing chores, watching the rain, experimenting with various noodle broth ingredients and brainstorming for business ideas...not to mention the romantic kisses that they had shared.

Even the bookshelves in the apartment reminded her of him; she would miss choosing books to read with him.

But at some point in life, Seri knew she would have to either turn the page, start a new chapter or close the book entirely.

Everything her eyes took in formed the backdrop to memories shared between Jeong Hyeok and herself, how was she ever going to forget any of it?

The greatest problem with memories, was that no matter how small, they held the power to warm one's heart or rip it apart.

It would be excruciating to awake from this beautiful dream— in the brief moments when reality remained lost to her— to look across the room for a face that was not there, or reach across the bed for a hand that was not there.

Slowly, the governor's daughter exited the kitchen to head to the rooms, taking her time to absorb the sense of calm that these walls surrounded her with.

Step by step, Seri silently walked along the narrow hallway, until an unexpected view left her rooted to the ground, heart pounding harder than it should.

Still preparing to go out, Jeong Hyeok was in the process of retrieving a button down shirt from his wardrobe when a feminine voice came from behind him.

"...those scars look very painful."

Eyes widened from surprise at being seen topless by the governor's daughter, he froze, before nodding very slowly.

"Barbed wire." He replied, knowing which scars she was referring to. "Took my combat uniform top off to make tourniquets for a wounded comrade, and carried him across a barbed wire trench."

Walking closer, failing to notice that the Captain was increasingly nervous, the nurse in Seri frowned sympathetically at the horrifying wounds.

"That must have hurt so badly..." Her eyes shone with an endearing familiarity that he hadn't seen in ages— concern, from someone who cares beyond friendship.

He chuckled wistfully. "Navigating a path over barbed wire with a bare torso wasn't the best idea, I guess. But I couldn't leave him behind."

"That's so brave of you..." Seri couldn't hide the awe in her voice. How much more attractive could Ri Jeong Hyeok get? There was always something about this tragic hero that made her heart clench in special ways.

Those words elicited a tiny, smug smile from the former Captain.

"I'm alright. This hurt worse by comparison." Pointing at his shoulder, where a jagged, whitish scar marred tanned skin, the Captain bent his knees so that his shoulder was at Seri's eye level.

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