Seri's Choice

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Eight days had gone by in a flash since Yoon Seri found herself staying at Ri Jeong Hyeok's apartment, with what had started as a desperate solution to nerve-racking circumstances evolving into an intense, romantic experience.

Still somewhat nerve-racking— she'd have to admit— but in an entirely different, and amazing way.

Their initial resistance, which had come about only because of their inability in disregarding the mutual attraction, ebbed away with each passing day.

Seri, who had been the one to initiate most of their kisses, found herself increasingly on the receiving end as Jeong Hyeok warmed up in ways she had never anticipated.

Outside on the streets, the stress of prolonged tension and violence proved too much for the demonstrators— the turmoil was slowly, but surely, dying down.

That was a good thing; the societal troubles were finally easing.

Sadly, 'this too, shall pass' applies to the good things in life as well.

Peace in the outside world implied that the countdown on this blissful temporary arrangement had started, though it wasn't something that Seri was willing to think about.

With the ongoing demonstrations confined mostly to the central areas where there were governmental buildings, life in the less affluent neighborhoods was gradually seeing signs of normalcy once again.

With the ongoing demonstrations confined mostly to the central areas where there were governmental buildings, life in the less affluent neighborhoods was gradually seeing signs of normalcy once again

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Minutes earlier, as they were preparing to revisit their noodle stall or what was left of it, the governor's daughter had cautiously presented a surprise meant for the former military officer.

"What's this?"

"This is for you."

"...a tomato plant?" Jeong Hyeok slowly asked.

"Well...what else does it look like to you?" Seri replied with a small frown, peering at the two little tomatoes on the potted plant in her hands.

Nodding customarily, the former soldier received the pot from the governor's daughter. "I can see it's a tomato plant. How did you get it in the first place?"

"Oh!" Her face lit up as she recounted the story of how the plant came about. "It was a wonderful deal. One of the neighbors down the street came by to barter some goods, and I thought this tomato plant would make a perfect gift for you, so I traded with him..."

That sounded ominous to Jeong Hyeok; the middle-aged fellow who usually bartered goods around this neighborhood wasn't exactly famed for honesty.


Discreetly, he cast worried glances in the direction of his telephone and radio, arguably his greatest material possessions in his apartment.

Thank goodness they were still there.

"You won't believe it. Merely half a sack of sweet potatoes."

The incredulity on his face must have been obvious enough, for the governor's daughter hurriedly asked, "Is that too much to trade? Oh no...I shouldn't have—"

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