A different path

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A/N: Getting back into the groove of writing after being stuck with kid for the last two weeks amid Covid-19 resurgence where I am.

Lots of feels ahead (I hope) and do note that the images borrowed from the Internet are actual, rare images of pre-war Korea during 1945-1950.



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"Yes...I understand. My sources have confirmed that the roadblocks remain in place, and that the rioting has resumed." Jeong Hyeok held the receiver closely to his ear, listening keenly to the Governor on the other end of the line. "Only if it is deemed appropriate, Sir. Miss Yoon isn't inconveniencing me in the least..."

It was most inappropriate to feel any form of joy given the current political situation, but Seri quietly nodded in agreement, failing to keep the smile off her face.

Going by bits and pieces of Jeong Hyeok's exchange with her father, and what the latter had told her prior to requesting to speak with the Captain, she had gathered enough to figure out that her stay at this apartment had been extended.

Still, there was something unsettling in the Captain's expression as he remained on the line with the Governor.

From what Seri had heard on the radio, and received in terms of information from the Fifth Company boys when they came delivering food, the riots out there on the streets had restarted with a vengeance upon the President's violent dismissal of calls for his resignation.

Even the terms for a truce had been grossly condescending, with the authorities suggesting throwing money and basic benefits to appease some of the demonstrators.

Needless to say, such senseless plans had backfired spectacularly, plunging Seoul into greater turmoil.

More formal pleasantries were exchanged, before the former military captain put the receiver down.

More formal pleasantries were exchanged, before the former military captain put the receiver down

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"What else did my father say?"

"There has been another attack on a railway station with numerous casualties," Jeong Hyeok explained, softening his tone as horror gripped Seri's face. "Involving even the defense minister's extended family members."

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