Sisyphus, I Feel You

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Wake up and make your bed because you don't want to seem like a slob; get ready fast and don't forget to make sure your brother is awake too; make breakfast and be sure to take your medicine; make some coffee so you can fully wake up and don't go walking around the school like a lifeless zombie; double check your backpack and make sure you have everything, because you don't want to look like a fool who forgot their homework or supplies.

If you have a test, make sure you go over everything before the bell rings, you don't want to be a failure; pay attention in class, even if you're exhausted from the stress; be organized and take good notes so you can study for the tests; you have a test in your next hour, so be sure to scan your notes one last time before you start; calm your anxieties and focus, you must not fail; you just finished the test, so now you anxiously wait for your final score hoping you didn't do terrible.

On to your next class don't answer too many questions because you don't want to seem like and annoying "know it all"; at lunch don't eat too much, you don't want to look like a pig stuffing their face; try to be more outgoing, so you don't look to be an outcast and so you can make more relationships; try to sign up for many activities, it looks good when you're applying for the colleges you need to get accepted to.

School is finally over, but don't relax yet, you still need to deal with her ; so, in order to avoid listening to the unpleasant sound of her voice you put your headphones on; before you get yelled at, you do your chores; you then do homework and eat dinner all alone; now you must take a shower as if to try and wash away all of your problems, but alas life is not always that easy; now you sleep, only to wake up to another tedious and mind-numbing day.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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