
584 6 0

First name: Y/N
Last name: L/N

Personality: not very social, keeps to himself most of the time, not very outgoing, loves to swim, read, play video games, and sketching. Hates fake friends, getting called out for his looks, villains, and bullies


His appearance is followed by a long  tail  which is 10 FT long and a row of dorsal plates on his back and a pair of gills on his neck

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His appearance is followed by a long tail which is 10 FT long and a row of dorsal plates on his back and a pair of gills on his neck.

Height: 5'11

Quirk: Titan I MEAN Kaiju Shifter
This quirk allows the user to shift into a kaiju at will. In addition to that he can control the size of his Kaiju form depending on the situation. This quirk also allows the user to use said kaijus abilities even in human form. Like his:
Thermal flame
Atomic beam / Heat Ray
Dorsal plate beams
Tail beam
Atomic Pulse
Nictitating membrane

kaiju form

kaiju form

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Smol form

Also this is my first story so there gonna be HELLA MISTAKES anyways byeeeeee and cya later m8s

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Also this is my first story so there gonna be HELLA MISTAKES anyways byeeeeee and cya later m8s

The kaiju with a heart of GoldWhere stories live. Discover now